one hundred five

430 12 3

Several days later, Eri caught Kakashi staring off into space, but he was looking directly at her, basically gazing through her.

She waved her hand to get his attention, but he was uncharacteristically distracted.


He sat upright, startled into reality. "Hm?"

"What were you thinking?" Her eyes reflected her concern.

He closed his eyes with a grin and decided for his usual trope. "Just the different ways I can make you scream my name."

Eri's cheeks flushed one of the brightest shades of red on the color spectrum. He never ceased to surprise her with just how dirty minded he was.

Clearly amused, the man's face relaxed into a wider smile as he breathed out a laugh. "What? You asked."

"I was concerned!"

"Don't be. This is not a new fantasy."

"Not new? Meaning this is normal?"

He paused and tilted his head back and forth, feigning deep contemplation. "Yeah, pretty normal."

Her mouth dropped open in shock before she regained herself. She could play this game. "Well, I can make you scream, too!"

He raised a brow. "I don't think screaming is in the list of sounds you get from me."

Rethinking her threat, she realized his point. "Well, I'll make you say embarrassing things."

"Also unlikely. I already say embarrassing things without getting embarrassed."

Eri pouted, yet she was not denying her secret desire for him to act on his fantasies. Kakashi knew her well enough to know this. So he got up, scooped her from the ground making her yelp, and took her to their bed to enact some of his fantasies

What he didn't tell her is what he was actually thinking. He had been looking at her, admiring her and that for a second time she was his. Grateful was an understatement.

But what had been on his mind was the conversation they had a few days prior. They said they wanted to marry each other, but what he meant was that he wanted to marry her yesterday. He was ready to sign some papers - which he could just sign himself and make it official as the Hokage - and get it done. He was ready to make babies and get the Hatake and Zayaka legacy going.

But he wasn't sure if she had the same eagerness or urgency. It was just a conversation, really.

So he had to do it right.


Kakashi spent a few more hours getting his responsibilities taken care of, which meant lots of mind-numbing paperwork and mission assignments.

Once he was through, the focused man called for an "emergency" team seven meeting. The two younger ninjas of the famed group wandered into their once-teacher's office concerned. It wasn't like him to call such a meeting.

But Kakashi stood and spoke with confidence. "You all have had a secret mission among you for years now..."

Naruto and Sakura exchanged a look of confusion.

"... and I think it's time that we complete it."

"What are you talking about?" The blonde asked, or stated in a bold way.

"Eri." Kakashi thought that was enough.

"Yeah, what about her?" Naruto was still clueless.

Equally confused, Sakura raised a brow. "Is she okay?"

"The secret's out, I know about it." Their original sensei closed his eyes with a grin. Still waiting for them to pick up on what he was saying.

The pinkette chimed. "What secret are you talking about?"

Between the two of them, Kakashi did not expect the lightbulb to click for Naruto first. "Oh!" He nearly gasped. "That secret mission!"

"What secret mission?!" Sakura was getting frustrated.

"Ya know? That one!" He drew out his words, hoping the girl would catch on.

There was a pause, then her green eyes grew wide as she yelled, "Oh!"

Finally on the same page about the secret mission they planned when they were kids - to get Kakashi and Eri together - different varieties of youthful mischief started to glimmer in each of the former students' bright eyes.

Bringing out a scroll from seemingly nowhere, Sakura quickly began to unroll it and slammed it on the older shinobi's desk. She squealed with anticipation.

"I've been waiting my whole life for this!"

Kamu telah mencapai bab terakhir yang dipublikasikan.

⏰ Terakhir diperbarui: Nov 30, 2023 ⏰

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safety [Kakashi Hatake x OC]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang