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Kakashi didn't know what to make of the woman and her humble gratitude before him. It took him aback. She was clearly a bit confused and perhaps a little distraught, but he also wasn't quite sure what to do or say.

"Pakkun, thanks. You can go now." The man dismissed the disgruntled little dog.

With a snort, the pug-like summon disappeared in a puff of smoke.

"Ah, do you want anything to eat or drink?" He asked politely. His uncertainty was obvious, but the girl was feeling just as insecure.

She averted her gaze and hummed, "Oh, um, water if you don't mind."

He left her for a moment in quietness, filling up a glass of water and trying to figure out how to approach the woman who was, in fact, laying in his bed, under his protection. As noble and respectful as he tried to be, he couldn't keep the thought out of his mind that this was a trope from the "special" novels he read, not that it was his intention to cross the lines with her; he still didn't even know her name.

When he returned, he pulled up a chair to the bedside and leaned over to set the water on the nightstand. It wasn't until he was that close to her that he realized that her eyes were not just the dark, almost black irises that could be seen from far away, but her pupils were an odd, lighter gray, opposite from what one might expect.

Kakashi was becoming more fascinated by the girl with every new detail he learned. He breathed out a sigh and sat back. "Who are you?"

A look of surprise crossed over her face, realizing she had failed to be a normal person and introduce herself. "I'm sorry." She smirked gently, restraining herself from chuckling at her own silliness. "My name's Eri Zayaka, of the Zayaka clan."

"The who?" The man's curiosity was piqued.

"The Zayaka clan." She repeated. "Or, I guess it's not much of a clan anymore." She looked down again, becoming slightly solemn.

"Who are the Zayaka? Are they like the Uchiha of Konoha?"

She hummed and forced a small smile. "Kind of. We aren't nearly as famous as them though, and we aren't directly associated with the shinobi world."

"That jutsu you were using; was it a kekkei genkai?"

Eri nodded. "The Zayaka have always used that type if ninjutsu, although not typically for fighting as I do. It uses wind and water chakra natures, which people of my clan tend to have an affinity for. We also have about twenty-five percent more air in each of the cells in our bodies, which makes us more akin to using a jutsu like that. I guess you could call it "air release," or something."

"That's why I couldn't copy it..." Kakashi trailed, confirming his suspicion.

"Copy?" She questioned, picking up on the unfamiliar phrase in regard to ninjutsu.

"One of the names I picked up is the "Copy Ninja."" He clarified.

"Oh!" The woman chimed, finally making the connection. "You're the Copy Ninja of Konoha! I have heard of you!" She beamed. "Your skills really are unrivaled."

His lips curved into a smirk beneath his mask. She had heard of him and knew of him, although indirectly. "There are some shinobi out there who definitely give me a run for my money."

"Honestly, what did I do to deserve your help." She sighed, feeling relieved and just a bit safe for the first time in a long time.

"I'd never leave a comrade in need. It's my ninja way." He reasoned, though feeling proud of himself for saying something remotely cool.

Yet she didn't seem to react to it at all, giving him a pinch of pain and discomfort in his gut. "I'm sorry for bothering you. I should get going and stop causing you trouble, though." She seemed a bit concerned as she anxiously fingered the hem of the bed-sheets.

"Is it safe?"

"What do you mean?" She met his stern, yet distant-looking, single-eyed gaze.

"Those Kirigakure shinobi that attacked you; are there more of them?"

"Oh." She looked down again. "I'm not sure."

"Well, where are you going? Maybe some Leaf shinobi can escort you." He suggested.

"Um, well..." She trailed, her lips curving into an awkward grin. "I'm not really sure."

"You wouldn't just go back to your clan?"

Therewas a sadness behind her smile. It wasn't particularly grave, but it was there."There isn't much of a clan for me to go back to."

safety [Kakashi Hatake x OC]Where stories live. Discover now