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 Parties have never been Dave's favourite thing, but right now, he could say otherwise.

His eyes were fixed on a guy who seemed much younger than he. He had fluffy black hair and tan skin. He wore a baby-blue hoodie with navy blue jeans,completing his outfit with black socks and white converse.

Dave couldn't help but stare at him wherever the boy went. Dave would talk to him and would ask for his name and number, but his social anxiety wouldn't let him. So, all he did was lean on the wall, listen to loud music that was currently blasting and watching whatever the boy did. He was just happy he was having more fun than himself.

Suddenly, his drink was knocked over by some drunk dude. Huh, no wonder he's never liked parties. "H-Hey! Soo,so sorry a-AboUt that man!" the guy said,followed by a hiccup. Dave could only give him a stare, frowning that his white shirt was now stained with punch juice.

Dave walked into the nearest bathroom he could find, lifting his shirt a little bit and washing the stain. He looked into the mirror, noticing the stain was still there. He sighed. Then, someone walked in.

"Ah, sorry! Am I.. interrupting something?" He asked. Dave could only stare as his face became red. He snapped out of his thoughts, answering the boy's question "Oh, um..not at all. I just spilled juice all over me so I came here to clean it up but it doesn't seem like it's going to go away soon."

Damn, did he just start a conversation he wasn't willing to have right now? He was already embarrassed his crush had to see him like this.

"You're gonna have to go home and use detergent for that, but it honestly looks fine.. Almost half the people here are drunk as hell, bet no one's gonna notice the stain." the shorter boy of the two said cheekily. Dave cheeks burned hotter, did he really have to be this adorable? "Heh, thanks.. Guess that gives me a little bit of reassurance. Oh, I'm Dave by the way."

Zak stared at the boy,"Oh! Right, I'm Zak. Didn't think an introduction was necessary. It's kinda surprising to see a sober person tonight." Dave could only agree in awe. Although they had only talked for a few minutes, the two were already comfortable with each other. What seemed like hours, it was already getting really late. The loud music had died down a little and the hallways were getting less crowded by drunk teenagers. "Well, I think I'm gonna take my leave here, Dave. It was really fun getting to know you." Zak said happily. "Oh, before I forget, here's my number. Call me sometimes~" He giggled. Dave blushed, nodding.

Oh, Zak, if only you knew just how much I wanted to kiss you that night.

𝐒𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆Where stories live. Discover now