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Everyone had always viewed them as the perfect pair.

Whenever they were recording,they were silly and flirty with each other.

Nobody really thought the two would fall apart,considering how much they've shown their love for each other.

But again,it wasn't them to decide what their fate would be,and their fate,would no longer hold on.

"You're always distancing yourself from me,why? Did I do something wrong? Why do you act so weird around me now?"

"Zak,please let me explain- this just isn't working anymore. I-"

"What happened to us? We were fine before,so why now are you saying we're not working?"

"I'm sorry Zak,I really do love you but- it- I can't explain it,please tell me you know what I mean."

His words were always so honest. Brutally honest. He didn't understand why things weren't working out,but he understood clearly when he couldn't explain what he was feeling. What they were thinking.

It wasn't working because one of them kept distancing themselves and hung out with different people. And the other,worked too hard on growing his channel. Always having a busy schedule,taking most of their time to hang out with each other.

it was silent. They didn't say a word to each other,having their own train of thoughts.

But the silent atmosphere was quickly broken when Dave heard Zak's quiet sobbing. It was heartbreaking.

He couldn't do anything.
Because guilt was eating him alive.

"I understand. I understand why we're never close as before,because we didn't make time for each other. Because we fell apart ever since you took a break from Youtube,saying you wanted to focus on me. But..but I cared too much about my channel,never making time for you-"

It was painful for Zak to admit. Because Dave wasn't the problem. It was him. He was too hurt to even look at Dave in the eyes,so he kept looking down on the floor. He didn't want to leave Dave,but after what he's done,he needed to leave.

"I'm sorry. It was never your fault. I never asked you. I should've known. But I think it's best we go our own ways now. I just want to let you know,I still love you."

And before Zak could say anything,Dave ended the call. So heartbreaking.

He left the poor younger boy alone,heartbroken.

How it was a possibility he could've died from a broken heart.

And it did.


𝐒𝐤𝐞𝐩𝐧𝐨𝐛𝐥𝐚𝐝𝐞 𝐎𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐡𝐨𝐭𝐬 ˚⸙͎۪۫⋆Where stories live. Discover now