To Feel - Chapter 8 - Victories in Wars

Start from the beginning




In the armoury of Helm’s Deep, Aragorn dons his battle gear. As he reaches for his sword, it is handed to him by Legolas. Nodding, he accepts the sword from Legolas’s hands.


“We have trusted you this far.” Legolas began as he stared into Aragorn’s eyes. “You have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair.”


“U-moe edhored, Legolas. There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.” Smiling, they clap each other on the shoulders. They both look to the side at Gimli as he walks up to them, struggling with his chain mail.


“If we had more time I’d get this adjusted.” Gimli states and to make a point he let go of the bundled up chain mail, which tails down to the floor in its full length. “It’s a little tight across the chest.” Aragorn and Legolas fight back their smiles as they stared down at their companion. A horn sounds, catching all of their attentions.


“That is no Orc horn.” Legolas says as they run out to the battlements, joining the guards who stared down in amazement.


Bereg turned to a guard, “Send for the King. Open the gate!”


“Open the gate!”


Led by Haldir, an army of Lothlorien elves march up the Causeway into the Hornburg. The Rohirrim soldiers look upon them with wonderment and awe as the pass.


“How is this possible?” Theoden questions.


“I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell.” Haldir begins. “An alliance once existed between Elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together.” Haldir looked up at Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli running down the steps and smiles at Theoden. “We came to honour that allegiance.”


Aragorn bows. “Mae govannen, Haldir. Welcome, Haldir.” Aragorn embraces Haldir. The stunned Elf hugs him back lightly. “You are most welcome!” Legolas and Haldir clasp each other on the shoulder in greeting before Haldir turned to Theoden.


“We are proud to fight alongside men, once more.”




It was getting darker as the sun set in the sky. Esme knew she should stop and rest but she continued to run. She was on the borders of Fangorn forest, the trees looming over her with their long dark arms. She could only hope now for fate to be with her and her friends.




Men and Elves stood in their positions on the battlements of Helm’s Deep, The woman and children safely locked away inside the indoor caves. In the darkness of the night, the army could only see silhouettes and lights from torches, but they could hear their loud marches as they moved closer and closer. Gimli is stood next to Legolas behind a wall among a row of Elf archers.

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