To Feel - Chapter 7 - Dangerous obstacles

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Esme’s P.O.V

I stared at the thing in front of me in horror. I was frozen in place as I stared at the beast, wishing I was anywhere but here. It let out another bone-chilling roar, sending shivers down my spine. My eyes widened when I realized what was standing in front of me. A fire demon; ruthless, blood thirsty and impossible to kill. They seriously couldn’t believe that I can take this thing down, not to mention by myself. It set its beady eyes on me, before opening his mouth and letting out a wall of fire. I ducked and rolled to the side to avoid being burnt, but I could still feel the warmth of the fire against my back. I hastily scramble to get back to my feet and stared at the demon before me.

Sweat rolls over my whole body from the heat and my nerves. A silver glint in the corner of my eye catches my attention, and I remember the sword that I had with me. I look towards the sword now and see it lying about 5 meters away where I had dropped it when I rolled out of the way. The demon sends out another gust of fire and I duck before springing to the sword. I picked it up from the floor and held it out before me.

It erupted into a bright blue color, shining out like a beacon. The symbol for water lit up with it, and I realized that the only way to defeat this foe, was to use water. I started spinning the sword in circular motions that came to me naturally. My hands moved in motions around me, making me wonder where I knew to do them. Before me, a drop of water formed, swirling with the movements of my hands.

The sudden appearance of the element made me want to stutter, but yet my hands didn’t falter. They continued their dance as the water grew bigger and bigger. The water now danced around me like a blanket of blue, and only then did I realize the importance of it. During my actions, the demon had sent continuous balls of fire at me, but the wall of water acted like a shield and quickly sent the fire steaming. 

With a plan of attack, I sent a stream of water at it. It let out a roar when it noticed the body of water coming for it, and sent its own fire to meet. The two met in the middle with a force that was shockingly powerful. Both fought at each other, trying to dominate each other. I was growing tired with exhaustion and it seemed as if the demon was too. The effort to overpower each other was dwindling, and we were going nowhere. I needed another form of attack.

The quote “Always fight fire with fire” came to my mind, and all it took was a second to change that. With a new push of my body, the sword swung with me, now a brilliant red. The water turned into a bright, new gust of overpowering flames. The demon wasn’t expecting this, and its defenses came crashing down. The attacking flames engulfed him, a swirling mass of reds and oranges.

Impossibly, the fire was attacking the fire demon, using its own power against him. The demon roared, in pain and shock that something was actually able to hurt it. The demon thrashed and tumbled, trying its best to rid of its foe. But to no avail the flames still burnt fiercely, taking down the demon in its own element.

A sadness enveloped me as I watched the beast struggle. No creature, bad or good, should have to face this torment. Yet, there was nothing I could do as the fire kept on burning. The demon fell down with a last cry, and lied there as the flames ate at him.  

I sunk down to my knees, letting tears of frustration, sadness and exhaustion run down my cheeks. I have no idea how long I kneeled like that, just letting all the tears flow freely. But eventually all adrenaline left my body and exhaustion crept up on me. I lied down where I was and let my eyes close.

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