To Know - Chapter 3 - And so it begins

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To Know Chapter-3 -And so it begins

We traveled for days, I've lost count after the tenth day. We walked for miles, hardly ever taking breaks. Though I was fine from the continuos hike, my legs never hurt and never begged me to stop. Though I couldn't say the same for the Hobbits. Their small legs tried to keep in length with our long strives. And this made their legs pound with the effort, and the long distances didn't help either. Besides a few complaints from Pippin or Merry, or a question being asked, the fellowship didn't make any conversations as we hiked.

The days were silent, long and hot. The sun beat down on us with its rays, for most of the hours in the day. Though we never stopped, in any condition we would carry on. Determination sparked on everyone's eyes, it gave them courage and strength.

I barely spoke during these last few weeks, only small singular words, such as thank you and goodnight. But other than that, I kept to myself. I never accompanied myself in a small group, always walking between them. I normally stayed in the middle of the group, just behind the Hobbits. I either gazed at the ground, looking at where I placed my feet, or I stared at the environment around me, though there was nothing exciting in either of those two. So I mostly blocked out the world around me, and I lost myself in my thoughts.

My thoughts would lead me to my nightmare, it haunts me every night when I sleep. I would constantly go over and try and figure out what it means. Am I some sort of leader? Am I some hopeless person who can't even save the fellowship? It's that part I hate the most. I'm hopeless as each member suffer their deaths all of them different to each other, yet all horrifying and heart breaking.

Frodo's death hurt me the most. They tortured him, ripped him up. They thirsted for the painful screams he let out, and continued the torture. What was worse, was that Frodo could see me, he was the only one in the group that seemed to see me. His eyes pleaded for me to help him, the bright eyes seemed to pierce my own, and yet I could do nothing. He cried out for me, told me to run, to hide. But could I even hide myself from something that seems to find me?  

And when Sauron comes up to him, in his hand held a black sword, and the ring burnt bright gold around his finger. He pierched him in the heart, and my heart broke as he did. When he slumped forward, the sword still embedded in his chest, I got hit with arrows. They knocked the breath out of me, and breathing became hard. But my eyes never left Frodo's body.

It was then when I would wake up in sweat, my heart beating quickly inside my chest. My breathing hard and my hands shaking. How I didn't scream was beyond me, but I was happy I didn't, the loud screams wouldn't help, and would wake my companions. I didn't want that to happen.

So I hardly got any sleep, but I didn't let that faze me. I kept my emotions inside me, and none of the others suspected a thing.

The scenery hardly changed as we walked, mostly a forest covering. The trees stood over our heads, bushes standing next to them. The ground was uneven, but Gandalf and Aragorn tried to choose the most easiest paths to take, and even some were a bit rocky. But it hardly fazed me and I easily kept up with the men.

By the time two weeks had passed, and luckily there had been no run-in with enemies or any sort of problems. On one particularly long tiring day, the Fellowship decided to stop and rest in an area of large white rocks. Once we arrived, everyone went of to do their own thing; Sam began to cook food, Merry and Pippin had a lesson on sword fighting with Boromir whilst Frodo and Aragorn watched them. He was acting as supervisor. Legolas stood on top a rock, looking at the view. Gandalf sat on a rock and smoked, while Gimli sat nearby.

I sighed and lowered myself onto a rock. I lied on my back, with my hands behind my head making it a bit more comfortable, with my eyes closed. I took in the rich sun that shone on me, it's heat filling me up with warmth. It was nice to relax like this, after walking for most of the hot summer's day. I could hear Boromir shouting instructions to Merry and Pippin.

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