To Know - Chapter 7 - We need a break

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Here's Chapter 7!


Esme's POV

It's dark, rocky, and not to mention it stinks in the Mines. With no way back, we carried on forwards, leaving our trust in the Wizard leading us. There are times when Gandalf would suddenly stop in his tracks, and ponder his thoughts. He would look around, as if he was trying to remember things. The action made the others think he was just stopping to listen out for danger, or just simply wait for us to catch up to him. Yet, I somehow knew that wasn't the case, and deep down I knew he was questioning himself.

Though, it's not as if we could blame him. He had wound up in a situation that none of us could back out  of, even the Wizard himself. And we have to carry on, if we ever want to full fill this quest.

But first we must at least find our way out of the Mines, out of this horrendous, dark place. With an exception of Gandalf, none of us has ever been down in the dark twisting tunnels of Moria, and even then Gandalf last came here a long time ago. So long ago, that he was finding it difficult to remember how to get out. Though even we were stepping unknowingly into danger's hands, I still trust the Wizard that he will get us out of it.

I have no idea how long it's been since we have been in here, and with my guess it has only been two days. We rarely stopped for breaks, and when we did it was great but quick. Everyone has grown restless, all carrying on with difficulty from the lack of sleep. No one spoke, afraid of awakening anything dangerous. Though at times, I will silently creep up to the front of the line, from my spot in the back, and exchange a few words with Gandalf, before retreating back to my place in the line.  

I was quite happy our trip consisted of either going down hills, or straight across. But that thought went away as quickly as it came, when I saw the mass of steep stairs we have to climb. One by one, we climbed up the staircase cut out of the rock, like a trail of ants. We slowly ascended the rocky stairs, our muscles shaking at the effort. The stair case was so steep we all had to use our hands and legs, as if climbing a ladder, to carry on upwards.

Above me, I heard the sound of shifting rock, and I looked up. Pippin had slipped, but had managed to hang on and right himself, with the help of Merry. I sighed in relief that we didn't lose Pippin, and I carried on climbing.

With a grunt, I heaved myself up the last few stairs, before collapsing on flat ground. Puffing and sweaty, I pulled myself off the ground to stand next to Gandalf.

"Gandalf, we must rest. If we carry on like this, we wouldn't have strength to fight if danger were to approach us." I whispered to him, desperately hoping he would agree and let us rest.

"Yes, I see your point my dear. We shall rest tonight." he told me the good news, before turning to look at the rest of the Company.

"We shall rest here for the night. Though, no fires are to be lit."

The others sighed in relief at the chance of rest, and immediately spread around to make a small camp. Gandalf went on forwards and sat on a rock, facing three doors I somehow had missed when I had come up here.

I left the Wizard to his thoughts, and walked to a separate place between to large boulders of rock. I set my pack down, and spread out my bed roll on the floor, intent on falling asleep. I lied down, and with a sigh, I fell asleep.    

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