To Feel - Chapter 4 - Off to Helms Deep

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Here is Chapter 4 of To Feel

So, Esme was pretty moody at the end of the last chapter. I hope you all enjoy this chapter!

Be prepared for more Legolda (mix of Legolas and Esmeralda) moments!

(If any of you have a better name, please tell me!

Legolas' P.O.V.

Leave me alone

The way she said it made my heart clench, and it sent an uneasy feeling to my stomach. I had let her go, and I watched as she walked away from me. Everything in me told me to let her go and let her collect her thoughts, but I wanted to be there to comfort her, and tell her things she wanted to hear.

But I stayed back, and I let her go. As I watched her ride out the village, I worried for her. I wanted her with me, where I knew she would be safe.

I stopped looking at the plains, when I heard Gandalf, Aragorn and Gimli walking past me and I silently strolled after them.

“They flee to the mountains when they should stand and fight. Who will defend them if not their king?” Gimli muttered.

“There is no way out of that ravine. Theoden is walking into a trap. He thinks he is leading them to safety. What they will get is a massacre. Theoden has a strong will, but I fear for him. I fear for the survival of Rohan,” Gandalf said, before turning to look at Aragorn. “He will need you before the end, Aragorn. The people of Rohan will need you. The defenses have to hold,” Gandalf half-ordered him.

“They will hold.” Aragorn said as he followed Gandalf into the stables. Gandalf stroked Shadowfax gently and calmingly.

“The Grey Pilgrim. That’s what they used to call me. Three hundred lives of Men I’ve walked this earth, and now I have no time. With luck, my search will not be in vain,” Gandalf said and then he mounted his horse, stroking him gently. “Look to my coming at first light on the fifth day. At dawn, look to the east,” He finished before riding out, and I jumped out the way. Aragorn turned to look at me.

“Legolas, where is Esme?” He asked me.

“She is out riding on the plains,” I replied to him.

“Could you go get her? We are leaving for Helms Deep shortly.”

“Of course,” I went to Arod and jumped on his back, before riding out in the very same fashion Gandalf had done. I trotted down the hill and through the village, careful to not run anyone over. Once outside the gates, I went in a full out sprint in the direction I saw Esme galloping off to. I squinted my eyes, and looked out far in the distance. I spotted a horse and a small figure a few metres away from him, and I rode faster towards Esme.

It wasn’t long before I could clearly see Hasufel and Esme more clearly. I slowed Arod down to a trot, and we covered the last of the short distance quickly. By now, I could clearly see Esme. She was practicing with her sword, swinging it at invisible enemies. I knew she had heard me coming, but she paid no attention to me and didn’t spare me a glance.

I dismounted Arod and let him eat grass next to Hasufel. Esme continued slashing her sword in very slight, quick, perfect motions. I took out one of my swords from on my back, and held it ready in my hand. As Esme made another parry, I blocked her sword with own. Shock shone in her eyes at my sudden move, but it vanished as soon as it had came.

“You have some skill with a blade.” I commented, acting like I didn’t really know about her skill. She chuckled lightly before replying.

“Oh, really! I haven’t noticed.” She played along, making me smile at her. She smiled and winked at me before striking at me again with her sword. I blocked her swing and I sent my own parry back at her. She easily blocked it and our swords locked as we looked at each other in the eyes.

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