To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge

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To Feel - Chapter 5 - Over the edge

This is the last chapter before I go back to school. I hope you like it and I made it specially long.

~ ~ ~ ~ Esme's P.O.V ~ ~ ~ ~

After a while we stopped to make camp at a lake. It was nearing sundown and the people were weary. Those with tents, put them up, and those who didn't tried to make themselves comfortable for the nights rest. I was given two tents for Aragorn, Gimli, Legolas and I to share.

I found a large enough spot that was flat, and I started pitching one of the tents. Soon, Aragorn came and helped me finish pitching it and then helped me with the last one.

"Aragorn, where are the other two?" I asked him, concerned for my other two friends.

"Legolas is scouting around to make sure there are no dangers, and I believe Gimli is looking for something to eat and drink."

"Of course he is, probably looking for a mug of mead." I giggled at the thought, and I finished sticking a pen into the ground. I stood up and looked at Aragorn, who seemed to be finished with the other side of the tent.

"Thank you for helping me pitch the tents." I smiled at him.

"Your welcome," he smiled back at me. "I'm just going to go sit over there." He pointed out a rock a few meters away and made his way towards it.

I made my way over to a nearby tree and climbed up it's branches to the top. I set myself down on a sturdy branch, and I looked out over the site. I saw people eating, laughing and talking. I scanned my eyes over the area and I spotted Gimli walking past Eowyn. She asked him something and it looked as if he refused. I kept my eyes on Eowyn as she advanced towards Aragorn. I strained my ears so could hear them.

"I made some stew. It isn't much, but it's hot." She said to him, filling a bowl and handed it to him. While this was happening, Legolas had climbed up to join me in the tree.

"Hello, what are you looking at?" I shushed him and pointed out Aragorn and Eowyn at him. Together we silently watched their exchange. Aragorn had excepted, and had taken the bowl from her hand. I leaned forward as Aragorn went and took a bite. He seemed to stop and his eyebrows lifted. He chewed softly and he seemed to have trouble swallowing the mouthful.

"It's good." He chocked.

"Really?" She smiled and began to walk away. I clenched my teeth together so I wouldn't start laughing and I watched eagerly at Aragorn's movements.

He began to pour the stew onto the ground, checking to make sure Eowyn didn't see.

"He's going to die tonight," I whispered to Legolas. "Death by stew." I let out a giggle as Eowyn turned around and Aragorn rushed to put the bowl upright and in front of him.

"My uncle told me a strange thing. He said that you rode to war with Thengel, my grandfather. But he must be mistaken." She told him.

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