To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive

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To Love - Chapter 2 - Captive

When Esme came to, she was first aware of the arm around her waist and the feel of a body against her back. Faintly, she could feel his breaths as well as the rocking movement of a horse's back. Fear struck her at the unknown presence. Someone is taking me somewhere hostage. I need to get out of here!

Esme ripped herself from her captors hands, throwing herself to the side with a loud thud. Pain flooded through her as the breath was knocked out of her. As much pain as she was in as she laid there, she knew that she had to get up and away. Gasping and fighting through the pain, Esme sprung onto her feet and drew her sword. These scoundrels are really idiotic for not taking away my sword.

Standing now, Esme saw how many men on horses around her, all of them in shock at her abrupt movements. The horse she was just on was rearing on its back legs, frightened from her fall. All this she took in under a second of observation, but her adrenaline-filled body wouldn't allow her any longer to access her situation. Taking their shock to her advantage, she made for a gap between two horses. Behind her she could their shouts and exclamations but she didn't stop and ran faster through the trees. I need to get away.

And then she could hear someone running after her. Fear was eminent as she did her best to loose her chaser. But he still kept running after her. An outbreak through some trees to her right caught Esm's attention and with a quick side-step, she ran through them into an open field. There was nowhere to hide now and Esme could only hope that she would be able to outrun him.

Esme never looked back to see f he was still chasing her, she knew that he was right behind her. But after a minute of dead sprinting through the grass, her chaser tackled her. His arms went around her, twisting their bodies so that he landed on his back, Esme on top of him, before rolling so that he was on top of her.

Esme was pressed against the ground, her face smothered in the dirt, her attacker pressed against her back. For a few seconds, they lied there like that when he started to turn her around.

"No," Esme growled, flailing her arms and legs to get him off of her. Esme opened her eyes to see who her attacker was for the first time but she immediately froze when she caught sight of him.

"Legolas?" Above her, Legolas moved his lips to talk to her, but Esme didn't hear a sound.


Legolas frowned before talking again. Esme's eyes grew wide in fear.

"Legolas. I can't hear you." At this, Legolas quieted and raised his eyebrows. "Oh, Legolas. I can't hear anything!" Esme cried, a new kind of fear overtaking her.

Legolas' arms wrapped around her in a soothing embrace. "I can't remember what happened," Esme muttered. "I remember you entering Isengard but after that... nothing. I think Saruman did something to me."

Legolas leaned away from her and helped her sit up. With a finger, he drew some words in the dirt.


Esme nodded her head at the information. "Please don't let anyone know of my condition."

Looking in her eyes, Legolas nodded his head after a few seconds. He tilted his head back in a 'let's go' gesture before standing and helping Esme from the ground. Standing, they both took in each other's rugged and dirty appearances. "Sorry," Legolas mouthed which she just smiled at.

When they reached the others again, they were all standing confused and at the situation.

"Everything is fine, gentlemen." Esme said, pretending that everything was well as she had said. She could feel a heavy gaze on the back of her head and Esme knew that Gandalf was looking at her with scrutinizing eyes.

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