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I don't think that I'll ever again forget your eyes and the lazy look they always had except when you're happy. You could wear a hood with only the eyes cut out and I'd still know it was you

It led me to know the feel of your eyes on me; when they find me, watch my movements and leave me feeling hot inside when I'm pinned beneath you

It was the reason why I turned around and when I saw you, I forgot how to breathe for a moment

It'd been difficult explaining what went down between us to my father and even to Jen and Soma. It seems it wasn't just me that fell for your charms, and it sometimes makes me happy to know that

I've spent months trying to move on, but I really can't find myself being invested in any kind of relationships anymore. Besides, the earlier mentioned people keep your name afresh in my head like a witch's barrier to let nothing in nor out

I've been happy, after all, I was before, and I could be again after, but that's even more challenging. I worked it out but watching you watching me is not a step in the right direction

Your lip ring glinted a bit in the sunlight and I could almost feel the pressure of them being pressed against my skin

My eyes drifted to the girl standing between Dieter and you, then fell to her arms clinging to yours. She'd been looking up at you and trying to get your attention, but you were watching me watching her watching you

I heard Muna groan and facepalm from beside me; she knew what she'd gotten us into. I applaud her for always having the best worst ideas every time. It's got to be a talent now

She opted to go to the movies since it's been a while, and now.......

"Who's she?" The girl had asked Dieter, not so subtly

Dieter looked like he was already massaging the stress out of his brow "She's Autumn."

The girl gasped inaudibly in shock, which caused her to let go of you. I wanted to smirk but I decided to keep that inside but I loved her reaction

I love it

I love that she knows who I am, it's a clear indication she knows that she can't compete with me even if she wanted to

Muna had to pull me away and we went to take our seats but the damage had already been done, there was no going back from here and even I couldn't control myself when I got up from our seats halfway through mindlessly looking at the screen

When I crossed by your row, I cleared my throat and continued past. I hadn't left before I heard you footsteps following mine and Muna and Dieter's regretful sighs "Oh God"

So as we stand staring at each other, we communicate what words can't at the moment with my body pinned to the wall by yours and our faces inches apart

I can't get myself to move or even to look away and I know exactly why

The thing is; we can't choose the one who we fall in love with, we just feel it and we can't do anything about it

It's easy to fall in love with someone but...how do we unlove them?

When your lips touch mine and my lids flutter closed in ecstacy, I know even still that I don't really want to end this

I want it to continue like the colour green, like you taught me

Green HeartsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin