Chapter 41

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"Here is a story about a girl with a lot of older brothers, so she has a thing with violence although she looks amicable," I say

"Or just daddy issues" Muna shrug and I smirk at her because she understands what I'm getting

Natasha's gaze snaps between us, but she says nothing still

"The girl has had been miseducated, maybe from home or just from her peers; that being gay is somehow a bad thing" I state, relaxing on a table

She covers her ears with her hands and shakes her head

"But she somehow manages to find herself liking some other girl at school and resorts to violence when she becomes overwhelmed by her feelings" Muna adds

"Stop," She says

"What made you hit her that bad that day? Did you find out she likes you just as much, that you're probably in love with her or did you kiss her as you have always meant to and she kissed back?"

"Stop!" She yells, her eyes are blazing when she looks up at us "Please, stop" her voice breaks and I watch tears swell in her eyes till the drop-down her face

"We came intending to beat you up" Muna pauses after looking at me "At least, I did, but be rest assured that I'll be back if as much as see a scar on Paris because of you."

"I for one would be delighted to sue your family for everything they're worth" I lift my hand and flash her a fake smile

Her body is shaking as she cries, where she stands. I should feel sorry for her as she is just having difficulties with understanding her sexuality, but she's doing it at the expense of Paris, and I can't forgive that

"Let's go, my bitch" Muna throws a hand over my shoulder and unlocks the door. The principal is standing right at it and perks up once we step out

His head peeps into the class and looks back at us "What did you say to her? Why is she crying?"

I look at Muna who shrugs in reply, her lips mirroring my smile "We gave her a re-education."

"You're fucking crazy" Muna laughs and pulls me along with her as we exit the school building, walking to her car

I stick out my tongue at her as I get settled into the passenger seat, and she gets behind the wheels

"Well, I'll like to call that a success" Muna taps the steering enthusiastically as she puts on the engine and drives away from the school

"She seems to love her family and will not want them sued." I shrug and turn on the radio

"Or she just doesn't want to see my bitch face" her mouth in a thin line, and I can see she's resisting a smile

"Can't you just let it die down." I laugh and facepalm

"I'm Nigerian; we never let things die down" she smirks at me, and I just shake my head, deciding to watch her drive as seeing her brown eyes carefully watching straights and turns as the way to the beach starts getting familiar

She occasionally curses cars that swerve in front of her "Who taught these ones how to drive?" 

"Thank the seven seas that this place isn't so crowded today," I say when we get to the beach and step out of the car "What are you doing?" I stare at Muna as she stretches and comes out of the car too

"Chill, I'm just want to make sure it's actually Jace you're here to see" she swings her arm over my shoulder and pulls me along with her as we walk into the sandy arena

“Oh honey, I would never do that to you” I coo from beside her and she turns my face away from hers with a laugh. “Do you know I don’t even know where he could be on this beach” I comment after realising that we’re just walking without a destination

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