Chapter 23

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The cool water rushes right towards me but I'm feeling defiant, maybe even a bit dauntless, as I sit in the wet sand awaiting it's arrival

It's not a suicide attempt so you can calm your imagination. It's just a single act of sheer laziness to get up and probable cause to find inspiration

When the water arrives, it doesn't swallow me like I'd anticipated. It just slaps against my knees and calms to my feet

I sigh tired and bored out of my mind as my feet kick against the water pooled around it and I grab a fist full of sand to work my finger muscles

Muna had so eloquently convinced my ass to be here at the beach and I surrendered in agreement because I knew if I hadn't come of my own freewill, she would have dragged me here

I haven't been to the beach since I met Jace. It kind of brings back memories of when my life was a lot more simpler and easier without all of these feelings that make me feel stupid

I miss it and I miss him, stupid as that is

It's been a week since I last saw him and that just so perfectly fine by me. We're not fighting but we sure are on thin ice right now

We've been texting, nothing too deep. Just recent updates on our lives and a few jokes thrown around in a failed attempt to lessen the tension between us

All these goddamn complications

"Where in the seven seas is Munachi?" I murmur twisting my neck to look behind me since she'd walked off probably 10 minutes ago to get us smoothies

"This is why you never go anywhere with that bubble head excuse of a human being" I lament to myself, kicking at the slowly moving water at my feet

"If you sit in the water longer, you'll probably get a cold. It's not summer yet" I turn to the side, nearly jumping out of my skin when I hear the voice that suddenly came out of absolutely nowhere

She's squatting in the water and arms hugging her knees as she stares off into the sunset like we are in some kind of movie

Are we?

"You're also in the water" I state like a preschooler and mentally facepalm. This is becoming a habit

In the physical realm, I just hang my head and let her beautiful chuckle envelope my embarrassment

She's looks young probably 14 years tops. She sounds smart and she's pretty too with her way more prettier blonde hair than mine

I should probably visit a salon and get my hair done sometime this week

"I'm Paris" her blue eyes slide it's gaze across to mine, capturing my attention like a pure sea in all mesmerising beauty

I smirk playfully "Didn't your mummy ever tell you not to give your name to strangers?"

She laughs lightly, her eyes a glimmer of wonder "My mum would push me to introduce myself to a psycho. She's too hyperactive and carefree for her own good"

"I get the feeling, I have a dad like that too" I smile to myself, Bruce coming to mind

"I'm Autumn by the way" I say after a moment, forgetting that I didn't introduce myself and at the same time remembering that I have a certain Munachi to murder after making this little girl my friend

I'm not creepy

"We both have a fair share of parents and weird naming skills" she laughs and I join her

"It's not all that bad. It's nice to have a break away from all the normality of life once in a while" I say and stare off with her

We sit in silence and I feel calm at the moment, nothing from the uneasiness and everything that comes with Jace freaking Archer

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