Chapter 17

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She throws the door open and we're probably lucky it doesn't shatter the wall it hits behind it

"Yo yo yo!!! Everyone in the house shout 'whoop whoop'!" She yells when we walk into the house with her. I wince at her booming voice while Jace instantly covers his ears with his palms

Muna is a disgrace to all the girls out there who have tiny female voices, reserved personalities and freaking manners! Guess she gets to behave however since it's her house

"Did someone accidentally let in Munachi's failed dreams of being a DJ?" Jen smirks as she passes from living room to kitchen

Jace and I burst into fits of laughter while Muna gladly decides to shut her mouth and take the shots fired at her in stride. She nods her head in a regretful way as we all walk into the kitchen area

I hop straight to the refrigerator and grab a plate of chopped mixed fruits that Jen always keep filled. My face breaks into a grin as I grab a fork and begin to dig in while watching Muna try to regain some of her dignity

Jace looks at me funny, not at all surprised at the first thing I do when I walk into someone's house. Well I practically live here too; I have my stuff in Muna's room so I'm technically a part of the family

"Hi Jenny" Jace greets Jen and sits on a chair at the island

"Glad you made it, love" she smiles warmly at his from the other side of the island

"I heard!" Soma bounds down the staircase and straight into the kitchen, her eyes wide and alight with laughter "I heard the shots that were fired"

She laughs terribly at Muna and tries to put her arms around Muna who just pushes her right off. Jen smiles and goes back to whatever it is she is cooking

"Hey, best friend! Quit stuffing your face with juicy fruits and defend me here" Muna pouts at me "Wait, are those pineapples?" She jumps to me and steals the plate away

"Goodbye! It was nice eating you while I could" I call at the plate from behind Muna

"Hey! It's the pretty boy from the other day" Soma smiles at Jace

"He's Jace" Muna grumbles from mouth full of fruits that used to be mine. I sulk and decide to help Jen out by setting the table

"You're Jace?" Soma's eyes are wide with realization that only her and Muna, who is giving her a weird look and a creepy smile, know about

"I hope so" he grins brightly, probably blinding me from all the charm he's employing at the moment "or the past 19 years of my life would have been a massive lie"

She laughs loudly, placing her hand on his shoulder to calm herself down while Muna just smirks at her. "Told ya" is all she says

"Pretty charming boy" Jen whispers in my ear with a large smile on her face as she walks past me to the dinning area and I don't even think I fully comprehend what's happening right now

Am I on the spot? Is Jace on the spot? Am I on the spot cause of Jace? Is Jace on the spot cause of.....Okay, I'm sure you get the point by now

"Come on guys. The food is ready" Jen settles at the table "So first off, I'll apologize for not having the dinner last week as planned cause someone" she turns to Soma "had a concert to go for"

"Mum! Let it go already!" She groans and face palms "I didn't know it'd clash and the tickets were too expensive to not go for"

"Oh Lord! If it had been back home, you'll know whose house you'll leave for concert and be coming back to. It's all cause of university" Jen cries out dramatically

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