The Second Grand War

Start from the beginning

June 23rd, 2860. We eventually arrived near Zavala, seeing the Sentinel and a fleet of Insurgency destroyers surrounding the Brotherhood ship's.
I instantly contacted the Sentinel being confused. "Destiny to Sentinel, come in immediately." I relayed. "Daniel, I'm sorry." Arc replied, upset.
Another person eventually spoke, the Insurgency's leader.
"Norway, this is Captain Szabo, leader of the Insurgency. You are to hand us the second piece of our journey, or I will kill your friend and the Brotherhood ship's." Szabo threatened.
I slammed my fist on the intercom enraged by his threat.
"You stupid!..." I yelled. "Why even have the relics anyway?!!"
"Times our changing, the relic the 51st wanted from us gave me clarity. Power is everything! I will find the keys to God!" Szabo yelled. "Now hand over the piece alone!"
"Fine, I'm coming." I said.
I docked the Destiny with the Sentinel's secondary airlock.
"Sauna, lead Beta and follow behind me when I get on, we need to steal their piece and save Arc." I ordered.
"You sure about this?" Sauna asked, concerned.
I kissed Sauna, comforting her.
"We got this, I promise." I replied.
“Captain’s right, ma'am." Beta replied. "I'll follow your lead."
"Okay, I got this." Sauna said, confident.
"Good luck." I said entering the Sentinel, instantly meeting two guards that escorted me to the bridge, where Szabo, a reprogrammed Z3TA, and Arc were.
"You have what I want?" Szabo asked, smirking.
"Yes, but I want Arc alive." I replied. "Or this piece stays mine."
"Indeed, I will trade. But no false ones like these nomads had." Szabo agreed. "Or Z3TA will kill you all." Z3TA instantly pushed Arc to me, I helped her up and held the piece up.
"Come on." Szabo said.
I eventually looked to see Sauna and Beta behind me. "Come on, do it!" Szabo yelled, drawing his pistol. "Now!" I yelled ducking as Sauna shot at Z3TA and Szabo, unfortunately he took cover as she did.
"You okay, sir?" Beta asked.
"We're okay, Beta get Arc out of here. Sauna, lead the way."
Beta instantly grabbed Arc and ran back to the Destiny as I followed Sauna to the next piece. I killed any of Szabo's men ahead of us, eventually entering the Sentinel's supply vault. Sauna quickly snatched up the piece as I cleared out the Sentinel's security robots.
"Got it." She said as I finished up.
"Okay, let's roll out." I replied.
We eventually returned to the Destiny, only to see Szabo in the way with an unstable energy core in his hand.
"If you come any closer, I will crush it and kill everyone!" He yelled.
And he wasn't joking, that core had enough power to destroy every ship in the area.
"Now, give me the pieces. Now!" He yelled.
I about handed him the pieces, but he dropped to the ground getting shot in the back, Hanzo shot him while he was focused on us.
“Капитан." Hanzo said amused.
We went with it and boarded the Destiny. Upon boarding the ship, I checked on Arc while Isia took off.
"Hey Arc, you good?" I asked, seeing her patched up. "I'm good, thanks." Arc replied. "I'm sorry I couldn't save the Redeemed"
"It's good, we make mistakes at times." I said smiling. "By any chance is there still a place for a sniper on your crew." She said smiling back.
"Welcome back." I said.
We both went to the cockpit. I immediately took control to contact the reinforcements.
"Destiny 1 to Warlord, prepare to jump to Olympia, we can handle the fleet." I ordered.
"Roger Destiny, good luck." Warlord replied, entering warp speed with its fleet.
I instantly fired a payload of missiles at the Sentinel before entering warp speed to escape the massive explosion that destroyed the Insurgency fleet for good.

June 30th, 2860. We returned to Olympia and landed with the reinforcement fleet. Hanes contacted me just as I arrived.
"Norway, report to Ironwood's office. It's urgent." Hanes relayed.
"Copy that, captain." I replied running to Ironwood's office.
Upon my arrival, I saw Hanes and a worried Ironwood.
"Norway, you came." Ironwood said.
"You consider leaving?" I asked.
"Yes, but I must reveal my secret first. Hanes touch my shoulder." He replied.
We were confused, but Hanes listened and apparently her hand phased through him.
"Your. An AI?" I asked.
"Yes, United Galactic Nations Republic Intelligence. Designation: Ironwood. Second revision." He explained. "I survived the destruction of Aurora and my warship, the Lancer, when it crashed on Olympia ten years ago. After the crash, I patched into Olympia's colony defense's and took up my title as Grand Duke of the Brotherhood. Throughout the years, I became embedded completely within the system. You could say, I am Olympia’s Shield."
Hanes and I couldn't believe it, Ironwood was an AI, a technology thought extinct for years.
"It explains a lot." Hanes said confused. "But the NEK."
"Hanes, you could represent the New Brotherhood for him." I said.
"I'm sorry, but I'm just a captain." Hanes explained. "But you are my second-in-command, you could do it." Ironwood said.
Hanes was hesitant, but I nodded with approval of Ironwood’s idea, giving her the courage to agree.
"Just give the order, sir.”
Seconds after she agreed, alarms eventually went off in the room.
"Command, what's going on?" Ironwood relayed. "New Human Regime, their attacking Olympia!" The intercom yelled.
"Blast, evacuate the main city, engage our defense's." Ironwood ordered. "Norway, get your ship in the air."
I nodded and ran to join the battle.
As I rushed to join the battle, I looked up to see the NHR attack fleet, it was the Victorian, an Anchorship, and a few destroyers. Eliot was here, we had to defend Olympia, or our alliance was done before it even starts…

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