Chapter 25 - Stone Hearts And Hand Grenades

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"Nick is out of town?" the words come out of my mouth, before i am able to control myself.

"Yeah.. left for Seoul this morning... You don't know? You two sleep in the same bed and you didn't know" She utters innocently.

I just smile awkwardly.

"Oohh". She says, after seeing my embarrassment.

So he left town and didn't even say anything to me. i don't expect that to hurt, but i does. I know i decided i wouldn't care about him and what he does with his life, but somehow i do and it hurt.

"Are you ok?" Sienna asks when we get a chance to be alone.

"Yeah...  i am ok" i lie, but i know she can see right through me.

"What happened with you two last night, after you left?" she asks.

"We argued a little... " I confess.

"About Jude? he told us what happened outside"

"Yes.. Among other things.....but it's ok, its better this way anyway... atleast now we both know where we stand, and we can keep a distance from each other. It's for the best...Don't worry" I say trying to convince myself as much as her.

Sienna didn't say anything else in return, and just squeezed my hand.


One day turned into two, then three and four and no sign of Nick still. The more days went by, the more anxious i became about meeting him again.

Marco followed me around like a shadow, dropping in at random times to check on me, taking me for walks and showing up at meal times, to make sure i eat, or accompany me to the table with everyone else.

We were chilling by the pool side one day, when i asked randomly.

"So, do you know when Nick will be back"

"Could be today, or tomorrow, or in a couple of more days" he responds.

Gee, thanks for narrowing it down.

"Do you miss him? "He asks suddenly.

"TSssst... No.. I was just curious.. I don't really care" i reply hurriedly.

 He laughs in response.

"Sure you don't.... You know, you guys caught feelings alot sooner than i expected" he mumbles.

"I didn't catch any feelings. i quickly respond, then add.

You think Nick has caught feelings for me? "
I ask, but immediately wish i hadn't. 

I don't want to know the answer, because i know it, but hearing it from someone else will just make that much more real.

"Maybe.. Judging from his reaction the other night, i would say yes." That is not what i expected him to say.

"I know I would...You are beautiful Ally, and now that i have gotten to know you better, i realise you are more than just beautiful on the outside, but you have a great personality too..i like your spirit. Plus you stand up to Nick, not many people do that. I think he likes that about you" he adds.

"I can think of a million reason why that's not true " i scoff.

"Oh yeah? Name three"

"Why three? "

Why three?

" Wanna go for five, ten maybe?"

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