"Nothing really," Theresa said.

Daphne spoke at the exact same time. "Theresa has convinced herself that Lord Wildwood is in love with me, Your Majesty."

Theresa's eyes nearly bulged out of her head at her sister's words. She did not want the queen to know that she had eavesdropped. She shot a glare at Daphne.

"That's just silly, my dear. My cousin is very happy for Lady Daphne and Sir Thomas."

"I told her she was wrong," Daphne agreed.

Theresa wanted to argue, but knew she was both outranked and outnumbered. She just bit her tongue and let the argument go.

* * * * *

The rest of the week flew quickly by, between helping her sister, or reading in the library, or a few uncomfortable and ineffective appointments with Rothforth's wizards who poked and prodded at her, but had no more luck in removing the spell than Wildwood had.

Before Theresa could really fathom the passing of time, she found herself squarely in the night before the wedding.

Daphne had pressed her into being her bridesmaid, but Theresa's heart was not really into it. Even if the threat of Francine had no longer been hanging above her head, it was rather unpleasant to be the unmarried older sister of the bride when her prospects were so dark.

Trying to stave off the negative feelings that threatened to overwhelm her, she decided to walk around the castle and stretch her legs. Moving always made her feel better, perhaps it was the illusion of freedom and control.

She did not want to ruin everything for Daphne.

She was walking past some of the lesser guest rooms, when she felt the oddest feeling in the base of her spine. It shivered up her back and into her skull.

She recognized that it was magic. It felt familiar, but it was not the same as the transformation.

Someone moved out of the shadows. "Francine!" Theresa hissed.

"Hello, my dear girl. How are you this evening?"

"I'm fine," Theresa said, watching Francine move towards her. She was afraid, but she did not want Francine to see it.

She tried to act relaxed, as if her viperous aunt was not in front of her. She should have pretended to be compliant instead of losing her temper at their last meeting.

Francine smiled her sweetest smile and Theresa cringed. "Please come and talk with me, Theresa."

"No," Theresa said firmly, all thoughts of a pretence of compliance gone as if they never were.

"I believe you'll find that you won't be able to refuse, my dear," Francine said.

Theresa felt her mind disconnect from her body. It was a most horrible rending of something which was meant to be as one.

She felt herself nod and even smile at Francine.

"This way, Theresa," Francine trilled, clearly satisfied with the night's work.

Theresa's body followed her aunt into one of the lesser guest bedrooms. She could feel herself moving with a fluid, unnatural grace. A horribly familiar grace.

"It's most fortuitous that you decided to go for a walk tonight. I did not relish the idea of approaching you surrounded by all your protectors. I'm going to allow you to speak for yourself, but there is no point in screaming. You'll find that you are quite unable to do so."

Theresa believed her. She could feel the control of her vocal cords partially return.

"I had hoped I might convince you to cooperate with me willingly, but you made it abundantly clear that you will make no concessions. It would have been far easier on you. I wish that you had not forced me to use force."

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