They were just lucky that they had wandered into the path of eccentric magic enthusiasts, Theresa thought sullenly.

"Well, I am going to ride out with Sir Thomas to practice this morning. I'll see you at lunch," Daphne announced.

Theresa reminded herself she had decided that she was not going to feel bitter or jealous any longer, neither for Wildwood's feelings for her sister, nor at Thomas for monopolizing Daphne's time.

"Enjoy yourself," Theresa said with forced good humor.

Daphne smiled and left the room. Her expression looked a bit strained to Theresa.

She decided she did not care. Let Daphne be irritable with Theresa if she wanted to be.

Theresa got ready for the day slowly until she was forced to admit that she was procrastinating.

It was one thing to decide that she was going to talk to Wildwood, another entirely to do it.

She decided that she needed a good fortifying breakfast before her grand, humiliating confession to Wildwood. It was not at all that she was still putting off dealing with him, she assured herself.

The kitchen was abuzz with activity. "Good morning, my lady," the chef said from where she was kneading dough. Ildri looked up from where she was humming over some vegetables. She stopped abruptly.

"This is Lady Theresa, Ildri. Lady Theresa, this is Ildri, one of my assistants," the chef said by way of introduction.

"Good morning, my lady," Ildri said with a curtsey.

"Good morning to both of you," Theresa responded.

"My lady, is it true that Lady Daphne named her pet cat after you?" Ildri asked.

"Ildri," the chef cautioned.

"Yes, that's true."

"Is it because of your eyes?" she asked brightly.

"My eyes?" Theresa repeated slowly. The chef had believed that Ildri would not figure it out.

"They're the same sort of blue," Ildri explained.

"I suppose that might be why. Perhaps that's why she picked that particular cat," she lied carefully.

Ildri was thoughtful. "They're a very unusual color for a person to have, and I didn't even know that cat's could have violet eyes before I saw Lady Daphne's pet. Come to think of it, we have not seen her for a few days now."

The chef intervened. "They sent the cat home with the men who escorted Lady Theresa, Ildri. Now please get back to work and stop bothering my lady."

"Don't concern yourself," Theresa said quickly, glad that the chef had sidetracked the girl from her questions.

Ildri had a thoughtful look on her face as she returned to her work.

"Would you like some breakfast?" the chef asked.

Theresa smiled a true smile. "Yes please."

* * * * *

Theresa took her time eating breakfast and had a second cup of tea.

Finally she ran out of things to keep her occupied in the kitchen. She wandered out and reluctantly made her way to Wildwood's tower. She climbed the stairs, still not quite sure how exactly how she would say what she needed to say.

Theresa knocked on the door and waited. There was no answer. Wildwood was clearly not there.

Annoyed that she had gotten all worried over nothing, Theresa decided to go for a ride. She supposed that she could always find Wildwood later.

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