"Sure?" Virgil reluctantly let Patton go, helping Roman down before crawling back to Patton.

Roman happily skipped to the house, and Virgil panicked, "Wait, Roman!"

It went to stand up, but Patton was holding on tight, "It'll be ok, trust me."

Virgil was even more confused, "What? Why? I have to stop him!" It really wanted to leave, but Patton was just so warm. It slumped against him, snuggling into the warmth when Patton began to nuzzle it.

"That house is where Roman and I use to go to, to hangout with old friends. If they still live there, which I'm sure they do, then Roman will know what he's doing." Patton explained, placing himself on Virgil's lap to keep it there.

Virgil huffed, but layed its head on top of Patton's fluffy hair, wrapping its arms around him, "Fine, but if I get in trouble, I'm blaming him." It could never blame Patton.

"Fair enough."

The three watched as Roman rung the doorbell and waited, the mother opening it and then smiling brightly at who was at the door. They talked for a bit until she went inside, two boys coming out later.

They were all talking, then Roman suddenly took his phone out, and Virgil could see he pressed record, but he was hiding the fact he was recording the two.

Soon, they all waved bye as the boys walked inside, Roman skipping back over, "Virgil, Virgil, let down your web!"

"Ha ha, very funny Romano." Virgil hissed, but went down to help him.

Roman snorted at the nickname.

After Roman settled back down, he took out his phone, "I'm so ruining their reputation. I got them to talk smack about a lot of things people thought they supported, this will be too good."

Logan was impressed, "Impressive Roman. Truly impressive."

Roman blushed at the compliment from the nerd, beaming at it, "Why, thank you."

"So wait, you basically tricked them into spilling secrets?" Virgil asked.

"Spilling tea more like it." Patton giggled, playing with Virgil's tank top strap.

Virgil smirked, "Suppose that works too." It whispered, causing Patton to blush and shiver at how deep and breathy it sounded near his ear.

Roman put his phone back up, "It'll sure be fun. Anywho, should we go back inside? No offense, but I'm kinda scared of the snake one." Roman shuddered at thinking of an entire couch being thrown at him.

Virgil looked at him with amusement, "Oh? Scared of him?"

"Well, yes," Logan finally spoke up after messing around with the web ball, "He threw a couch at your other dad, did he not? Quiet frightening."

Patton looked up, "Is there.. something like.. wrong with him?" he asked Virgil.

Virgil was silent then sighed again, "I'm not really supposed to tell, but Janus.. has a mental illness called-"

"Kids! Dinner is ready!"

Virgil jumped, then called back, "Coming!"

"I'll tell you guys later." It muttered, picking Patton up gently and carefully climbing down, then going back up to take Logan, then Roman down, the four going inside.

Remus was sitting happily, a band-aid on his cheek. He smiled at the four, "Hey! Hope you like what's for dinner!" he chirped, giving Janus a kiss on the cheek when he sat down.

"I'm sure it is adequate." Logan responded, taking the seat besides Janus, Roman sitting besides him, then Patton, then Virgil by Remus.

Patton ate some pizza, and smiled, "This is good Mr.!"

Janus chuckled, "Thank you, but please just call me Janus."

Patton nodded, and shuffled closer to Virgil, wanting to be near it.

Remus had to keep his squeal in by chomping into the pizza, half of it gone now.

"So, who is who." Remus said, his tentacles laying behind him, twitching every now and then.

"I'm Roman!" Roman responded.

"Logan. They/them." Logan greeted, shaking Remus' hand across the table.

"Patton, hi!" Patton said last, shuffling even closer to Virgil, for some reason, desperately wanting it to touch him.

Virgil got the hint, and wrapped two legs around him, bringing him to its side as it continued to eat. Patton beamed, snuggling into it.

Remus was about to flip the table.

But then Janus probably would throw that at him.

Soooo, nah.

The dinner continued, Janus and Remus asking the friends about family, other friends, any jobs they have or want to do, apparently Logan worked as an assistant at a Library after school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Roman talked about theater, and Remus eyes lit up as he said he did theater too, and how he taught Virgil some.

"Wait, Virgil did theater?" Roman looked over at it.

Remus nodded, then shook his head, "Yes and no. It did public for not even two weeks before I did it for it."

"Virgil! Why didn't you tell me?!" Roman looked offended.

Virgil shrugged, "Never thought to bring it up. Besides, I can't do theater now, that's.. too much attention.." it looked away.

Roman huffed, but didn't bother it.

Patton changed the subject by talking about a bakery he wants to open since he loves baking sweets, or maybe an animal shelter since he also loves animals.

Virgil made a mental note to make one of those happen, if not both.

After dinner, Virgil and Patton left first to its room, Logan and Janus talking about dumb laws they somehow got into, Roman and Remus continuing their talk about theater as Remus did the dishes.

Virgil shut the door, laying down on its bed, sighing in content.

Patton sat down next to it, and then layed down with it, snuggling into the warmth once again.

Virgil hummed, wrapping an arm around him and pulling him closer.

This is nice.

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