Our Unforbidden Love Chapter 34

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Tony's Pov:

I stare at my phone as I scroll through Nick's instagram, nothing has been posted in days since the breakup and I feel so bad that I yelled at him.

I pull my knees up to my chest utterly spent on the idea of me hurting Nick. I promised that I would never hurt him, and here I am, alone, and without him.

I hear stomping and sprinting as I look up Ondreaz bursts through, tears in his eyes, he's exhausted and sad.

"What's wrong?" I ask trying to wipe the memory from my head.

"Nick.. He's.. he's in the hospital, we have to go NOW!" He starts to cry more, the tears rush down his face as he pushes the hair from it.

My eyes grow wide, and im utterly terrified. I run after Ondreaz, get into his car as he speeds to the hospital. Everyone is there, even Tayler. I run to the front desk as quickly as I can.

"Where's my baby, where's NICK! Please, tell me he's okay.. please miss.. I can't lose him." I pound on the front desk and start to cry, but she answers before I have a mental meltdown.

"He's okay for now, he's in critical condition sir, he won't be seeing anyone anytime soon.. I'm sorry." She informs me as I start to pace.

I walk over to everyone as they hug me and Ondreaz.

"I can't lose him.. Please god don't do this to me.. I.. can't.." I fall to the ground as I grip the floor as hard as I can.

I hear a siren, small but loud, the front desk lady is shaken by the event but quickly dials on the phone to call many nurses and doctors to a room.


Everyone stands up in distress. I'm confused as I stand up swell wiping the tears from my eyes.

"What's wrong...?" I ask sadly, as I stare towards the ground.

"THATS NICK'S ROOM!" They yell and scream as they sprint to the front desk lady.

My eyes grow wide, it feels as if my soul has been taken out of me, my love, my partner is about to die and I can do nothing about it. The room goes black and I feel.. nothing and hear.. nothing.

-Aubrey Lupin

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