“Great,” Victor mumbled under his breath while shaking his head in disbelief of how that girl can be so careless. The witch was still bit in hangover so she was struggling to understand the whole situation.

“Is she awake?” He asked the girl as he had his back toward witch, she nodded in response. He aided the girl in getting up and sneaked a quick look outside window to assess the height and formulated their escape plan.

“You are helping her,” witch accused him.

He carefully took out one grenade, plugged out its pin and then turned back while hiding it in right hand behind the girl and with left hand he grabbed her and started moving backward very slowly.

“Me! No-I am just here to say- hello.” He mocked but kept on moving both of them toward window. Witch frowned and grabbed the intercom lying on the bed.

“You morons, why are we paying you, if you can’t keep intruders out,” she barked over the intercom.

“What! Intruders,” person from other end responded in shock. “We are coming,” he added.

“Like I need your help,” she shouted over the intercom again.

“Can you swim?” Taking advantage of witch distraction Victor whispered in girl ear.

 She turned her head “What?”

“Can you? Answer fast.” Victor whispered in his ears.

 “Yeah I can. Why do you ask?” She was confused.

 “You will find out soon,” he winked.

“I would really regret messing with your handsome face,” witch said to Victor with pity when she redirected her attention on him.

“We will see,” Victor replied with a smirk on the face.

Witch smirked back to him. She raised her hands and starts circling his fingers. Her fingers starts sparking with electric current and at the same time Victor heard footsteps coming up. “That’s not good,” Girl murmured to Victor.

“Yeah I know. Hold me tight,” Victor replied


Victor grabbed her tightly by one hand.

“Time to go,” Victor murmured and throw the grenade toward witch and the same instance jumped out of window into the sea dragging the girl with him, before grenade explode. The grenade exploded with earsplitting blast, wiping out the light house. Both of them stay deep in water till explosion heat subsided.

When they came out, the girl was panting heavily. Victor tried to ease her down by patting on her back. And a familiar foul scent hit him.

“Oh shit. We have company,” Victor whispered to the girl.

“Well done wolf boy,” the same witch, whom he had followed in the morning was standing in front of him in a blue swim suit.

“There should be “were” front of wolf,” Victor replied while rubbing his chin. The girl beside Victor instantly flinched in shock.

“Huh, Well I apologize for my mistake,” witch replied with grin plastered on her face.

“Apology accepted. If you don’t mind can I ask one question,” Victor was trying to keep her busy in his chattering while he was slowly opening zip of his waist bag containing grenades.

“That will be my pleasure wolf boy,” Witch replied. She was also playing with same strategy, concentrating her energy while keeping Victor busy in chatting.

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