Chapter 5 - The first hunt

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Mia's POV

I felt strange as though I was in an endless void.

It felt like I wasn't conscious but as if I was in my mind?

I looked around me in confusion but it suddenly changed— becoming a very beautiful and ethereal scene with birds chirping and lush greenery all around me. There was even a waterfall.

While I was fascinated by all this my gaze suddenly landed upon a majestic sight.

There she was, my beautiful wolf who was as tall as me if not taller standing at around 5ft tall and had white fur but with a light blue tinge on the tips, they were beautiful, she was beautiful.

She stared at me with her hauntingly beautiful silver eyes. They were as bright as Alpha Taylor's.

"Hello Mia, my name is Rowena, I'm blessed to you by the Moon Goddess as you are to me." I suddenly heard her speak in my mind and strangely enough, this bought me contentment as if I was finally complete.

I grinned brightly.

Jumping up I ran towards her.

I heard her wolfish laugh in my head as I tackled her with immense joy.

Overcome with emotion, tears started to fall like a waterfall. "I have been waiting for you for such a long time."

"Yes, I know. I'm sorry dear one. The process was so agonizing and I could do nothing but send comforting feelings. I was forced to not be able to join you as soon as you turned 13. Causing the shift to be so much more painful than it should be, but I was always there, just not enough to be with you through everything." She said with sorrow in her voice.

"It isn't your fault. We are together now. I want us to become our best and show those monsters that we are not worthless or weak." I replied with determination.

"That we will, very soon," she growled with dark promise.

I felt joy as I knew from this moment on she was my strength and my joy.

"As you are mine." She exclaimed happily. "Although I'm sure you must have questions, so go on ahead I will try my best to answer as much as I can at the moment."

Just as she said that I felt the actual softness of her fur. They were the softest ones I have ever felt before. All I wanted to do at the moment was cuddle her forever but like she said I did have questions.

"Why is your fur tinged light blue at the ends?" I asked, having never seen such a unique colored fur before.

"Well that is a bit complicated, but no worries, I shall explain. As our Alpha mentioned, you and I are very powerful. We aren't normal wolves. We are different beings altogether. I'm sorry I can't tell you exactly what we are because there are things which you must learn only over time. I know it's frustrating but I can't answer all your questions right now. But about the blue tinge; It's because we are wielders of lightning." She stated proudly and looked at me in the eyes, waiting for it to sink in.

I just gasped at her in disbelief.

I knew she wouldn't lie to me. Why would she? This is such a shock I just— Wow. All my life I never imagined I would ever be something powerful.

I knew this because I never read such a type of power to be wielded by werewolves....I have spent my fair share of time in the library hiding and reading in the dark. It's where I knew of this pack in the first place.

The old pack constantly reminded me about how I was weak, a slut, and....wolfless. That word haunted me the most because their torture worsened after I turned 13, everyday I had some sort of bruise or a cut, resulting in many new scars.

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