Chapter 15 - The return of the Omonens

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I unleashed my shadows and slashed him at every possible place in his body in perfect rhythm with M.

The arm that I had cut off earlier had regenerated, much to my annoyance so I'll just chop off some more.

M continuously struck lightning after lightning yet it only slowed him down for a few seconds, even after that I struggled to keep up with his frightening speed.

It was annoying because I could only follow his movements with my eyes, thanks to Uncle Ol's magic genes but my body wasn't as fast as the speed of light like Cael.

Maze faired better than I did because her speed was of lightning and I was quick too considering my element was darkness like his-but he was a god, whereas I was a mere Omonen.

We exchanged deadly blow after blow and he kept gaining on us but at least we were successfully distracting him.

I saw Cael muttering under his breath from my peripheral vision and hope blossomed within me until I saw Alastair snapped his neck towards Cael with a growl.

Ah fuck, he noticed after all.

I locked eyes with Mazikeen and knew it was time.

I let go of my physical form and she let go of hers and we became one.

We shared one thought, and one goal.

We had to stop Alastair.

United as one we charged at Alastair, a mix of shadow and lightning. My shadows cut him in every possible place whereas M's lightning burned those wounds, significantly slowing down his healing.

Both of us saw him charging up to unleash the earlier power and looked towards Cael in a panic.

He too was charging up now, raw golden power buzzed around him.

Just as I looked back towards Alastair he unleashed his vicious darkness, causing me and M to go back to our physical forms.

I screamed as I saw him plunge his sword straight into her heart and not even a second later the sword was swung towards me.

I once again saw it come in slow motion torturously moving towards me, and I could do nothing but watch as my body froze with shock and despair and did not move an inch. Not like it could anyways.

Tears streamed down my face as I looked at M, her entire body battered and broken, much worse than before.

She looked up at me and smiled a sad smile. The saddest smile I had ever seen on her.

She was always the happiest and the most optimistic. Even when she suffered in silence, she made sure none of it was visible to others and instead tried her best to make others happy, because she knew what it was like to be in pain.

She never asked for anything in return and endlessly gave her light and happiness to others.

Cael too was like a big brother to us, even though we were born at the same time. Somehow we recognized each other as elder and younger. It was cute.

As a big brother he made sure we did well in everything and lead us with his intelligent mind and tactical plans.

It was an unspoken rule that Cael would be our leader in battle, always.

He guided us and showed us light yet I knew he too suffered with many burdens.

We all suffered the same but the difference was that I didn't bother to hide it, I was cold and harsh towards people giving them something to fear unless they knew me like my M and Cael did.

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