Chapter 4 - The discovery of a new power

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(Warning: This chapter contains instances of gore and blood)

Mia's POV

She made me stand ordering me not to open my eyes and I complied.

Turning me around she said, "Okay, you can open your eyes now." I came face to face with her looking at me proudly and in excitement.

She grinned brightly and said, "You can look in the mirror now."

I turned around and gasped in shock.

The girl staring back at me looked completely different.

She had light brown hair cascading down her back in natural waves with a few from the front of her head leading to the back in a loose knot.

Her light blue-grey eyes seemed to have life in them for the first time in many years. They held a shine I had never seen in them before.

They were outlined with light silver eyeshadow and a very thin and delicate line of eyeliner making them pop. She also had light blush on her cheeks and a light pink lip gloss on her full lips.

I turned back around and jumped on Shadow, tightly hugging her. "I can't believe how pretty you made me look, thank you so much Shadow."

She laughed and said, "Yeah I know I'm the best and I didn't make you look like anything you always had this beauty I just helped it come forward." making me laugh in happiness in return.

She pushed me back slightly, "Okay we don't wanna ruin your look."

I just grinned brightly looking at her with gratefulness.

"Always keep that beautiful smile on your beautiful face."

I turned red making her chuckle.

"Alright, it's time," after a slight pause, she added, "Wait I almost forgot, you need some flats." and walked over to the closet.

When she opened it I noticed it was a walk-in closet.

I don't gasp this time, instead, I sighed thinking, everything had to be big here.

Handing me a pair of beautiful silver flats she said, "Try it on, I'm sure they are your size."

Slipping them on I was surprised to see that they were a perfect fit. "How did—"

She cuts me off saying, "Oh come now that doesn't matter, what matters is you look beautiful and we need to get going."

Alpha Taylor's POV

All the preparations were done. Now, all we had to do was wait for all of the members of my pack to come to where the ceremony was to take place. I couldn't wait to see how Mia looked, I know Shadow has a good sense of fashion and judging people's character, that's why I left it to her to pick out her attire for tonight.

This is one of my favorite parts of being an Alpha. The connection that forms with each member is undeniably beautiful and energizing. It feels like a sudden breath of fresh air.

I smiled in wonder thinking about the first time it happened. The first-ever pack member to get accepted outside of our original pack is currently my gamma. He is a very hard-working man. From the beginning, he put so much hard work into training and learning the ways of our pack that I undeniably knew that the gamma position was meant to be his.

I wonder what type of magic she would have. She is having enough power to be a true warrior as Sel said so she must also have some sort of powerful magic too.

Mia's POV

I couldn't imagine how big this pack was. Maybe over a thousand. I suddenly felt nervous knowing that I would be standing in front of thousands of people.

The Crescent Moon PackDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora