Chapter 14 - Will they defeat the epitome of evil?

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Shadow's POV

I felt strange wetness on my cheeks and realized that I had begun to cry as the agonizing pain crashed over all over my body.

I wanted to pass out right then and there yet I couldn't because Mia had been so strong and had saved me with no hesitance whatsoever, even when faced with an unknown and dangerous enemy.

I would do the same.

"Mia you have to snap out of it. Mia we need you here, please come back to me."

I groaned in pain again and then continued, "Mia I need you. I consider you my family. I do not care if you had a dark past or that we have known each other for a few days. I know I can trust you. I believe in you, please come back to me—"

I stopped as the energy retreated into her body. And noticed she wasn't crying anymore either.

With a sigh of relief, I collapsed onto the ground, in a pool of my blood, breathing heavily.

My shadows still surrounded us in a cocoon, I decided to take them back.

"Not yet," said Elena out of nowhere. 

"Huh? Why? You okay?" I asked, worry filling me.

She didn't respond, making my worry increase but after a few seconds said, "You are ready to know who you truly are."

Before I could ask anything else, hot white electricity emerged from Mia causing me to panic.

But surprisingly, my shadows did not react or feel threatened. And the electricity merged with the shadows as if it belonged there and soon enough, it reached me.

I closed my eyes as an onslaught of memories hit me.

Alpha Taylor's POV

I stared in awe as electricity merged with the cocoon made of shadows.

"I had a vision of that a while ago but I didn't understand it back then. Now, I do," said Sel with a smile on her face.

"Are they gonna be okay?"

She grinned up at me. "Yes, more than okay."

I sighed with relief. "We need to figure out what happened with Mia a while ago. That aura matched with Alastair's which means that he has gained a semblance of some power and I have a feeling that something big is going to happen soon."

Her smile disappeared, "Yeah, I'm sure that the barrier weakening is not the case at all. Someone must be trying to awaken him."

I snarled in anger, "Fucking idiots they are."

Her eyes suddenly started to glow brighter and I knew she was having another vision.

I moved forward quickly and caught her before she could fall.

I stared at her still face and unblinking eyes. Even when her eyes glowed, they looked lifeless as she stared ahead at nothing in particular while her body jerked slightly from time to time.

The Crescent Moon PackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora