Chapter 15: Broken Promises

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Jayden's POV

"Are we back in New York three days earlier because of the mistake Kylie made?" Lisa asked me casually putting aside the magazine she was reading.

We had made it to New York almost eight hours after I talked to Kyra and we were currently in a car going to my house.

I sat with Lisa while Kyle, Layton and Kylie were on a three seater behind our seats. I hadn't spoken much to Kylie despite all her efforts. She looked miserable, she wasn't speaking to anyone and she wasn't eating either. I had to make a plan.

"No. Like I said my dad's coming back tomorrow and I have to be here. I haven't seen him since the wedding reception. We have a couple of issues to discuss as well," I replied taking her magazine as I started flipping through its pages.

"You are pissed about Kylie, right?" she asked the obvious.

"I see you are here to rub salt into my wounds."

"Well, I wouldn't exactly say that. I'm here to defend my best friend,to help my employer relax a bit and to help my brother-in-law cool off a bit."

"Employer? Brother-in-law? Some words are so shocking coming from you Lisa," I chuckled and she pouted childishly. This pouting thing definitely had to be a Casella thing.

"Well, you are my boss for the next few months. I'm getting money from you. You are married to my sister which makes you my brother-in-law."


"You are gonna marry Kylie after you divorce Kyra so either way you will be my brother-in-law."

"Fine fine. Will you let me rest please?It's like bugging me is a new hobby of yours. I don't feel like talking."

"Well well, I know I'm better than Kyra though. Wait until she gets used to you and starts asking you questions about every single thing on this planet just to get on your nerves because you are ignoring her. She's quite some drama queen," she told me and I noticed she was smiling and this was the first time she mentioned Kyra.

"Miss her already? I can always give her back you know."

"Miss? Nah. We were just used to having her around but taking a break from her is good," she shrugged it off as she looked at her nails and started playing with them.

There was something odd about these siblings. It was as if they discriminated Kyra or something of that sort. They had a secret they were hiding and only time would blow their cover.

"Anyways, I wanted to say that your anger is justified on the issue with Kylie. Yes I agree that what she did was unacceptable but it's her career. These things happen sometimes and they are on professional basis."

"Show me a magazine with you naked on the cover page with some guy fondling your breasts and feasting on your lips."

"Dude! You are so explicit. I would never do that. My mom would kill me. But jokes aside Jay, I talked to Kylie during the flight and to be frank she regrets her mistake. She has never been so broken and helpless before. She loves you, she needs you in her life. You need her too," Lisa explained softly looking at me such that I was the only one hearing what she was saying.

"I do love her too. I love her a lot."

"We all know. Don't worry about that magazine. I talked to the owner of the magazine personally and had them destroy all magazines and photos they had of Kylie. The good thing is they hadn't sold many copies yet."


"Yep. I paid for any inconveniences caused and made sure Kylie wouldn't be part of such projects again. She then accepted a deal with Chanel and Dior. She'll be working on those projects for at least two months. More offers are still on the table and she'll take them and make money on her own. Please don't be mad at her anymore."

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