Hyunjin part 8

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*next morning

Y/n was still sound asleep .Her body was rising and falling with her breath.I  was proud of myself that I marked her as mine.
I was staring at the goddess sleeping right in front of me.

She yawned and blinked.

"Good morning my goddess. "

"Good morning Prince Hyunjin"

"How about going out today to have our first date. "

She nodded in happiness.

" Go get dressed "

"Yes "

She didn't move.

"Is something wrong "

She was all red and immediately wrapped the sheets over her naked body which I marked everywhere for the world to see that she belongs to me.

"Y/n last night I saw everything, I travelled every part of you. Now don't be shy "

Now she tried to stand up but fall back.

"My back ouch... "

"So that means you enjoyed a lot last night right?? "

I carried her to room and took a bath with her.

Saw her changing.

"Done? "

" Yes but what about these marks "

"It's okay let the world know you belong to me "

That day we went to watch movies, amusement park and a lot of places.

It's was so great to know that she Made her every firsts with me.

We sat on bench in park.

"I want ice cream Hyunjin "

She pouted.

"Haha.... So  cute okay wait here for me I'll be back okay? "


After sometime when I returned I could not find her at place left her.

" Y/n " I called for her.

"Y/n. Don't fool me "

She was gone.


Word count -269

××××××××××××××××this is short but it's going to end wait for updates.

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