Desire for Revenge

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"Miss Targaryen, are you ready to leave?" Tormund stepped inside the hospital room. Days passed since she got to know about the death of Jon Snow. She was ready to fight. She was ready to take revenge on the Lannisters, who destroyed her whole life. She felt better day by day... physically, meanwhile, her soul and her heart were broken. She knows those will never heal, but Jon taught her to be strong, and she promised to herself, that she'll make them pay for what they did. She wanted to kill Tyrion Lannister with her bare hands, no matter if she survives it or not. That did not matter anymore. "Miss Targaryen?" Tormund asked her again.
"Yeah." she came to mind and nodded. 
"And I hope I've made it clear, to not do any stupid things. You are civil, you can't go on a suicide mission, we'll take care of you. We'll be there around the house and go with the original plan. They are going to appear, and we'll be there to catch them." he reminded her. "Is it clear?"
"Sure. Clear." she pulled a face and tried to walk passed by him, but he grabbed her arm and stopped her. She frowned and looked down at his hand. 
"I know they did many things against you and your family. I understand. Let us do your work, and let us catch him to give him the punishment that he deserves. By law." he continued.
"The punishment that he deserves?" Dany pulled out her arm from his hand. "Then tell me Mr. Giantsbane what is the right punishment for a man, who massacred my whole family? For the man who killed the man I love. For the man who is responsible for many innocent people's die? Including Jon Snow's family. What is the right punishment for a man like him?" she hissed. 
"It is not my job to decide." Tormund lowered his head.
"Right. Your job is just to catch him. And then he'll probably out of jail in some days. Because that is how it works, right?" she asked him. 
"He will not if there is sufficient evidence against him." he made it clear.
"What? My word? I am afraid that is not enough." Daenerys laughed sarcastically. Tormund looked around, then walked to the door. He looked around in the corridor too, then closed it and turned back to Daenerys. 
"He never agreed with it. To use you as... " Tormund started.
"As a bait?" Dany crossed her arms. 
"I would not call it... "
"You want me to get the information that you need to put him into jail. I'll be the one who will wear an eavesdropping device... you'll put me into the middle of the mess, and meanwhile you ask me to not do any stupid things?" she continued without listening to what he wanted to say. "And you think he'll not notice? Bullshit." 
"We hope when he'll realize that you wear one... it will be too late for him. And we'll be ready to catch him." Tormund answered.
"It won't work." Dany made it clear. "He'll never tell me what he planned. He'll never confess anything. If I've learned something, that is Tyrion Lannister is smart and dangerous. If we go on this way I'll be dead tomorrow. Not that it matters for you." she rolled her eyes. "Not that it matters for me either. Right?" 
"We want to keep you alive." Tormund tried to convince her. 
"It is hard to believe. If that would be true, you'd just shot him at the minute he tries to enter into my house." she stepped closer and looked into his eyes. 
"Our ... the agency doesn't work this way. There are some laws." 
"And you wonder why I never trusted in FBI or in the CIA... or anyone who follows those idiot laws." she was a warrior. 
"We don't have any other choice and do not lecture me about what we should do or not. I solved many cases in my life, I saved many people." he became a bit angry with her. "And I don't need a spoiled millionaire girl to tell me what to do."
They were staring at each other, and Dany noticed it doesn't matter what she is going to say, that man will never accept her words, or her ideas. He was not Jon Snow. Jon was hard-headed, but at least he listened to her thoughts and ideas. Even if they had many debates. Sure he also thought that she is just a spoiled little girl. Without a brain... who never had any problem in her life. Just how to spend her father's money. Then he got to know her, and... slowly they fell in love with her. Just as she... and Tyrion Lannister also took him away from her. Just like he did with her mother... and with her father. Not just him, his sister too, but his sister died. She was the one who killed her and she'll do the same with that dwarf. It doesn't matter what it costs. Even is she has to go to jail because of that. She doesn't care. She doesn't care about anything, just that revenge. Just to stop him to ruin any other family. That was her task and purpose. She understood Jon. More than ever. He lost everyone he ever loved and swore he'll take revenge. She wanted the same. 
"Are we clear?" Tormund asked her. She had no idea what he said in the past few minutes. She did not pay any attention to him at all. She doesn't care about his words. She nodded slowly and he put her bag into her hands. "Tomorrow we'll take you to the lawyer, and you'll get your father's wealth back. You just have to do what I say, and everything will be fine. Clear?"
"Sure." Dany tried to smile.
"Finally," Tormund added and started to walk towards the door and Dany followed him.

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