Unpleasing Surprises

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Daenerys made a ponytail on the top of her head. She checked herself once more in the mirror. The tiny black sports bra and those leggings fit perfectly to her body. She had no idea what Jon Snow wanted to teach her, how to shot someone? She rolled her eyes at the thought. It was clear that is his method. No questions, just use a gun. If that is his plan, she'll close the training very fast. She grabbed a towel and her gourd and walked to his room. One knock, nothing. Two knock. Still silence. Just the same as in the morning. She placed her hand to the door handle but hesitated for a minute. Maybe he is dressing. Or taking a shower. She pulled her hand back and checked her smartwatch. The hour he said passed already, and she was his employer. He was just... subaltern like others in the house. She always treated everyone respectfully but she hated when anyone keeps her waiting. She opened the door and walked inside, but the room seemed empty. She looked around once more. She spotted his shirt and pants perfectly hung on the wardrobe door. The shoes fitted side by side. The bed was also cast. Perfectly. The room was severely neat, except for one thing. She walked closer to his bed, and her eyes stopped on the folder. She knew she should not open it, but her curiosity was bigger than that. She looked around quickly once more, then stretched her hand towards the folder. She almost reached it when the room door opened and she jumped further from the bed.
"What are you doing here?" Jon was staring at her, then his eyes stopped on the folder. "Have you ever heard of privacy?" he walked to the bed and grabbed the map. He quickly placed it to a drawer and locked it with a key.
"I came as you ordered." she sighed and acted as nothing happened. "And you're late. It is better if you know I hate to wait. For anyone."
"You show strangely enough that you are grateful." Jon raised his brow and walked to his wardrobe.
"Why should I be grateful? Because you killed people for me?" she crossed her arms.
"They wanted to kill you, can you catch this up with your tiny little brain?" he turned to her and asked her edgily. He almost ripped the shirt off from his body to change it to another. She couldn't help herself, to not stare his muscular back. "This fucking world is much more shitty than you think it is. They were murderers." he continued ardently before she could say anything. "If I did not kill them, probably they would have been the ones who kill you." he picked up another shirt. "It might be easier for me to do that." he turned to her and walked closer. "But unfortunately I can't," he told straight to her face.
"Oh, yeah. I almost forgot the money that my dad pays you is more important." she made a step towards him and kept her eyes on his eyes. "I would be wondering how much I am worth to my father." she made a comment.
"Enough to protect you," Jon answered. Their faces were close, she could feel his breath on her lips. "Can we go?" he frowned.
"It was not me, who was not here in time." she walked passed by him and pushed him by her shoulder. Jon closed his eyes for a second and took a deep breath. He will choke her with his bare hands if she'll continue this. The only problem with that thought ... that he imagined that choke in such a different situation. In his bed, meanwhile, she is screaming in pleasure during he gave many orgasms to her. Finally, he tried to get the thought out of his mind and walked after her. They went down to the basement.

A long and little dark corridor leads them to the room where they wanted to go. The silence was huge especially compared to the rest of the house.
"You don't come down too often as I see," Jon stated meanwhile he was looking around.
"I have come here many times when I was a child." Dany stopped and placed her hand in one of the cabinets. "I wanted to escape from the quarrel of my parents and I did not want to hear my father's business either. Sometimes he was downright violent," she remembered. "I mean with his... subalterns. Mom tried to warn him many times." she took a deep breath. "That way." she pointed to a room and opened the door. A huge cinema screen was there but the whole room was empty. "For some reason, no one was looking for me here." she sighed.
"That means your parent's relationship was not too good?" Jon asked her.
"They loved me more than anything. Both of them. In different ways but... they tried to make me believe everything is fine between them." she shrugged her shoulder. "But I knew it is not."
"Why your father blames himself because of your mother's dad?" the question just came out of his mouth. Dany surprised and raised her brow.
"He is not..." she shook her head.
"He does. He told me that night when we had that dinner. When you brought him some apple juice instead of whiskey." Jon tried to be honest with her. He wanted to understand. "Was it his fault? The spoiled family relationships can... destroy many things and that would have explained why you did that many sport activities back then."
"Do not try to analyze the situation. You are not a psychologist." Dany rolled her eyes.
"Yeah, that is your specialty."Jon placed his hands to his pocket and he realized too late, that he should have not said it aloud.
"What... How... how do you know that I have a college degree in psychology? " Dany turned to him immediately. She finally get it. "That is in the folder, isn't it? My life." she realized immediately.
"I don't know what are you talking about." Jon tried to avoid giving her answer, then walked some steps in the room.
"Do not lie to me," Daenerys told him firmly. "I've never mentioned it, neither my childhood and how many sports I tried after my ankle broken. I saw that folder in your bed." she kept her eyes on him.
"We need to know the protected person." Jon turned back to her and admitted.
"So you know everything about me. Great." she hated it. She doesn't want him to know anything about her. She doesn't want him to get closer to her.
"Not everything." Jon sighed and pulled out two bandages from his pocket. "For example, I have no idea how long and when you trained in martial arts, and that may be important now." he handed the bandage to her. She was staring at his face for a minute, then took the bandage out from his hand, rolled up around her palm. That was not the first time she had done it. It was clear.
"I can't defend myself with words, and I won't just shot anyone with a colt, who is trying to attack me, so we should start this." she turned her back at him, raised her arms above her head, and stretched out. She was so perfect. Every piece of her. Her shape. She bent down and stretched her back as well. He wanted to go right behind her, grabbed her by her waist, and just... feel her. Feel the warmth of her pussy around his cock, hear her moans. What the hell was wrong with him? He turned away and tried to think about something else.

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