Sudden idea

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"What are you doing?" Jon entered the room, while she was turning her father's papers. She was suddenly frightened and all the documents dropped on the floor from her hand. 
"For fuck sake, seriously?" she sighed jumpily and crouched down to collect those. Jon walked there and helped her. "You really don't have something else to do?" she rolled her eyes. 
"No. I don't." Jon picked the last paper from the floor and placed it to the table. 
"I'd be fucking happy if you didn't keep hanging on me all the time." she hissed and continued to read the papers. 
"What are you looking for?" Jon tried to not pay attention to her words. 
"Why does it matter for you?" Daenerys was still odious with him. 
"I thought, I might help." Jon took a folder from the table, but Dany ripped it out from his hand. 
"I've already told you, you helped enough today." she pulled a face, and turned to the cabinet and wanted to open it, but it was closed. "Fuck."
"Would you please tell me why you hate me that much now?" Jon spread his arms.
"I don't know Jon. Maybe because I almost got killed," she answered with an eye roll. 
"Not for the first time, but you never acted like this." he slid his hands to his pockets while he was staring at her. She tried to open the drawer, but it was locked too. Pulling it again and again.
"Shit." she was clearly nervous. 
"Dany." Jon stepped closer.
"What?" She turned to him and they were facing each other. "What do you want me to say, Jon? You let a woman threaten me, and let her almost kill me, and you just let her go, give her half a million dollars. What should I say?" she narrowed her eyes and wanted to step away from him, but he blocked her way with his arm. He placed it to the cabinet, right in front of her face suddenly. 
"I did it to keep you safe." he almost whispered.
"Well, I thought when someone wants to harm me, you just kill that person." she leaned closer to his face "But clearly that does not apply to everyone." she was full of tension and anger. 
"I did not want to risk your life more than I have to. She was not here to kill you." Jon continued and she just rolled her eyes again and wanted to leave to the other direction but he placed his other arm to the cupboard to block that way too. Dany leaned to the cabinet and crossed her arms in front of her body. "She is a psycho." Jon continued. "If we made a hasty move, If I try to kill her, she might try to hurt you. I did not want to give her that chance. She is unpredictable and..."
"Well at least now we know what is your type." she stopped him with a sarcastic comment. "As I heard you had quite satisfying nights together." she couldn't hold herself back. 
"So that is the real problem?" Jon raised his brow.
"The real problem is, that you let her go. And not just let her go, but give her money." Dany hissed and their faces were so close.
"It was not your money, so you don't have to care about it," he stated, and they both felt that tension between them just grows again. Their lips were inches apart and their eyes were locked. She could felt his breath on her lips. 
"I've already told you I don't need any favor from you. Especially not money." she did not let him win. "At least now you have more reason to keep me alive. If you do, I'll pay it back. To the last cent." she frowned.
"I don't care about your fucking money." he hit the cabinet with his palms and Dany jolted between his arms. "I care about your damn life." he almost yelled with her. 
"Let me go." her voice became weaker and she avoided looking at him.
"Yen and I..." He started and tried to control himself.
"I don't care." she shook her head "Let me go." 
"I will. When I finished." Jon kept his eyes on her. "Yes, we had some nights together. I was young and an idiot, but it did not take too much time to realize that she is a counting little slut, but nonetheless I saved her life. She owed me one. And that is your luck now because she warned us." he was serious. 
"Oh, so she was another job for you?" Dany raised her eyes at him. "Guess those times it did not bother you to fuck the woman who you had to protect." her eyes were on fire. 
"She was not a job for me. We worked together in a case." Jon cleared the things. "But she played on two sides. That time I realized I better work alone, than with anyone else." he took a deep breath. "Do you have any more questions, or you can act like an adult now?" 
"I haven't been interested so far, but you forced me to listen to your story." she sighed "Can I go finally?" she looked at him. Jon couldn't stop staring at her lips. He never felt that desire to anyone. He never wanted to kiss any lips in his life. 
"You have to trust me," he whispered to her. "If you don't trust me..." he was talking so slowly, and Dany couldn't take her eyes off of his dark brown eyes. "we're going to die. Both of us. Do you understand?" 
"Let me go," she told these small three words after some hesitation, and Jon removed his arms from the cupboard, and she stormed out of the room. Jon stayed there, he did not move anywhere. He smiled a bit. They should have not felt anything for the other but ... that thing between them... he more and more felt it's like a runaway train, you can't stop it from happening. Sooner or later he'll lose control. Even now... he needed every piece of his mind to not grab her waist, sweep all the paper away from that damn table, and fuck her there, wildly right at her father's desk. The rules that he made for himself, mattered less and less, even if he knew it would not be right. He wanted it. He starved for her. He hit the cabinet again and one of the drawers opened upon impact.

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