Guns and Desires

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"Again," Jon told her and kept his eyes on her hands. She disassembled and reassembled the gun at least for the hundredth time. They were sitting inside the house and the sun almost went down totally. Her fingers were hurt, her nails broke, and she also scratched her fingers and her palms in many places, but she continued. "Faster," he told her firmly, and she tried, but she dropped it down, a piece slipped out from her hand. She sighed and leaned back in the chair. 
"I still don't understand, why this is the most important part, meanwhile I have no idea how to aim with it." she made a comment. 
"You won't know until you can treat your gun as if it were your part," he answered and he showed her how to do it in almost a blink of an eye. She grabbed the gun and started again. 
"Don't squeeze it. Much looser" he directed her and stood up, walked behind her, and leaned over her back. He placed his hands to her hands. "The gun is your best friend" he started "Your lover if you prefer, which does exactly what you want" he explained while he directed her hands with his "if you treat it gently," he whispered the last words, and she started to feel what he means, but a giggle left her mouth because of his last sentence.
"I thought you were serious." Jon sighed.
"I do. I am sorry," she answered but she was still giggling. "I just... nevermind." 
"No. I am curious now. What was that funny?" he straightened and waited for her answer. 
"I just... don't ... tend to be gentle with... lovers." she hesitated, but she finally confessed what she was thinking about, then she continued to reassemble the gun. Jon forgot to talk for a minute. Is she had known how much he wanted to know... how not kind she used to be with her lovers. Not to mention, how much he wanted to show her... focus Jon. He reminded himself then walked back to his chair and sat down. 
"How many hours do we do that?" Dany asked him.
"I don't know but we'll continue until it's perfect. I want to start the shooting training tomorrow." he crossed his arms and leaned back. 
"How long did it take for you to learn it?" she kept questioning him, meanwhile she continued the exercise with the gun.
"I can focus better if we are talking. That silence is killing me," she stated and he nodded with his head because that was true. "So?" she glanced at him, then lowered her eyes again to the gun.
"A few hours, but probably I had a better teacher." he shrugged his shoulders.
"Who taught you?" silence follower her question. "If you want me to trust you, you should be a bit more open about yourself." she glanced at him again. "I promise I won't analyze you, I just..."
"My uncle," he answered before she could finish her sentence. 
"Was he a kind of a vindicator too?" Dany continued with her next question.
"He was a policeman. Still is as I know." Jon told her, but he kept his eyes on her hand. 
"How come you didn't become a cop?" 
"I wanted to be. For years, but... after they never find out what happened with my family, I decided to go after my own head. I lost my trust in the system. I knew I ... can't live my life with those rules." he shook his head.
"You are following rules now too." Dany mentioned."
"But those are my rules. Not rules by a bureaucratic system. I complete the training but I wanted more, so I learned more, and I found a way to apply these, like a ghost." he was finally talking in full sentences. "No one regulates what I can do and how. Only me."
"Have you ever broken them?" she almost immediately asked her next question. 
"Do you ever run out of questions?" Jon asked back and she grinned. "No. I've never broken my own rules. That is how I became the best, in a short time." 
"Didn't you regret it?" she became quicker with the gun, but the questions are keep coming from her mind.
"That I chose this life?" he looked at her face and she just nodded. "I was alone. My family was taken away from me. Deep in my heart, I wanted to help people but I can't imagine myself in some society. I spent most of my life alone, so that job is... perfect for me." he sighed.
"You did not even have a girlfriend? A relationship?" she frowned. "Are you a virgin?" she smiled straight to his face, but she can't miss asking this question. 
"Focus," Jon answered with a grin. "And no." he leaned to the table. "I am not a virgin, I ... am just not compatible with anyone. For long. I am a lone wolf. Always have been. Those one - night stands could completely satisfy my needs. I never waited for the morning. We had sex, then I left them. Since I was a child, I never slept with anyone. In the same bed, I mean." he tried to act cool.
"That is not true." she glanced at him again and her eyes stuck on his face. "It must have been a forgettable experience but you slept with me yesterday. In the same bed." she smiled at him and he had to admit that was true. Now, he said it loud... it was another surprising recognition. He could easily sleep next to her, in her arms. He really did. She could distract his attention from her hands and suddenly she placed the gun in front of him. "I don't have to look there anymore." she smiled contentedly. "I've told you. If you want me to do it as any natural thing, we have to do natural things meanwhile I am doing it. Like... talk." she stated.
"You are not a hopeless case," Jon smirked and stood up. He went to the fridge and poured a glass of water for himself. Daenerys followed him with her eyes. He raised the glass towards her, but she shook her head. She was not thirsty. Not for water. 
"May I ask one last thing? At least for today." she elbows to the table. 
"You can't stand to not do it anyway." he mocked her and drank into the water. 
"True." Dany nodded. "Not an important question anyway, I am just curious." she was still staring at him. "How old are you?"
"That's it?" Jon frowned. "Really? Why does it matter?" 
"As I said, I am just curious." she stood up from the chair and stretched herself. Her hands and feet but even her back were numb. 
"You better take a shower and go to bed, we need your full concentration tomorrow." he placed the glass back to the counter, then he checked his phone.
"You did not answer my question." Dany narrowed her eyes.
"I keep some secrets to myself," he smirked. 
"Right." Dany nodded with a smile on her face and walked to the bathroom, but she turned back at the door. "If I guess and hit?"
"Fine. One guess for a day." he raised his eyes at her. 
"No. You destroy the game." Dany made a face "Per hour?" she bit her lower lip.
"Two. Daily." Jon answered seriously.
"Let be three." Dany crossed her arms and leaned to the doorway. 
"Fine." Jon rolled his eyes. He can't believe he is playing a guessing game with a 22-year-old woman, who is just learning how to shoot someone with a gun. Meanwhile, it was a good feeling. She did not break. She was strong, and she even could make him feel good. Despite everything around them. He had no idea how she does it. He glanced at the bathroom door but it was closed already. 

The BodyguardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora