Find each other

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Dany left the room and left Yen and Steve there and closed the door behind her back. That black-haired woman was so odious and haughty with her, no matter what she asked, she did not even pay any attention to her words, but after all, she saved her life, and she had no idea why. What the hell was she doing there? She started to think, but she knew she has no time for that. Not at that moment. She needed to find the escape somehow. She pulled up the gun and adjusted the jacket on her. Jon sacrificed his life for her, and it can't be possible that he died for nothing.  No. She will get out. She will escape. That is the only way how it can end. She looked around and her luck that no one was in the corridor. She took some steps and keep her eyes open. She continuously tried to think with Jon's mind even if that was not easy. She learned that she needs to keep her attention on everything. Even in the smallest details. That is how he saved her life several times. She stopped before she turned left to the other corridor and finally she spotted some stairs which led downstairs. But those were the main stairs. That is not good. They'll easily find and spot them there. She needs some emergency exit. But where is that? She looked around again and spotted a red sign but she did not understand the foreign text on it. She hesitated and heard some noises from the stairs. Some men voices. She had no time to think just hurried up her steps.

"Come on. Faster." Jon glanced back above his shoulder. Aegon just held him up but he knew if he let him alone he'll die and he can't let it happen. Not because he doesn't want it. He still blamed him because of the things that happened with his family but he was Daenerys' father. He has to save him. There was no other option. "We have to hurry. If I understood right Cercei wants to kill her. And not just kill her but torture her." Jon continued.
"It's all my fault." Aegon lowered his head and stopped. Jon rolled his eyes and grabbed his shoulder. He was angry.
"Yes, it is. Just like my parents and my sister's death. You killed them that night in that car accident 20 years ago." He tried to talk quiet but it was not easy. "Your wife died because of you and now your daughter is going to die if you can't stop being selfish. So if you love her... if you ever loved her put yourself together and help me to save her life." He looked straight to the old man's eyes. Aegon barely could breathe. He had no idea about the accident and it surprised him.
"I... I..." he muttered.
"I don't care." Jon rolled his eyes. "I care about her" he added and lowered his voice. "I love her. Do you understand? I love your daughter and I can't let her die. So if you are not able to fight for her at my side just go and find a way out. Because I won't leave without her." Jon was straight and confident. Aegon nodded finally and Jon turned his back at him.
"I was wrong. You are perfect for my daughter." Aegon admitted. Jon smiled a bit under his nose. He knew he is not but that doesn't matter at that moment. One thing mattered. Daenerys. "You know..." Aegon tried to continue his words, but Jon turned to him and showed him to shut up. He heard some noises and pressed Aegon to the wall. He spotted three other men at the corridor, they were talking and holding guns. He assessed the situation in a minute, and without more hesitation, he stepped to them so quickly. Aegon barely could follow his moves. He broke one of the men's neck, one of the others raised his gun at him immediately, but he hit it out from his hand at that moment. The third guy punched him at his face, but with his next move, he kicked his leg out, then he jumped up all of a sudden, and hit the other man. He fell to the ground, and his nose started to bleed.

"I'll kill you asshole." the one who was still standing on his legs threatened him. 
"We'll see," Jon smirked, and he already pointed him with the gun, which he stole from the men at the cell, and made a shot. The man fell to the floor, and only one left. Jon stepped to his neck.
"Where is she? Where is Daenerys?" he pressed his sole more to his neck.
"I won't tell you anything bastard." the man barely could talk. 
"We can play in that way." Jon raised his gun and aim his forehead. "I'll kill you. All of you. One by one." he pulled up the pistol "And you regret the day when you confronted me." he pulled a face. "Last chance. Where is Daenerys?"
"Fuck you." the man hissed on the floor, and Jon released the bullet straight to his head.
"What was that good for?" Aegon asked him, he was trembling. He shocked. He couldn't believe that he just saw how Jon Snow killed 3 men. In a couple of minutes. He was really that pro, as people said about him. He was a killer, a blood killer. "If you kill all of them..."
"We'll find her. These are just soldiers." he turned to Aegon then he changed the clip in the gun. "Go." He turned to the stairs and started to run up in those. 

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