Dangerous Game

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Jon was upset. He still did not really understand the situation around the Targaryen family. If they knew that Drogo the Khal - it sounded so hilarious in his head - was the one who is responsible for her mother's death why they did not do anything? He wanted to know more. He didn't understand why... he just wanted to help them somehow, and he wanted to keep that damn irritating woman alive. He checked himself in the mirror. He can't believe he has to accompany them to a date when the situation is that ... chaotic. Not to mention he couldn't get out of his head the words "he is my fiancé" That was another reason why he should suppress his feelings and his desires towards her, and think with a clear mind, but no matter how hard he tried to do it, he couldn't think about anything else just that hysterical and willful girl, who continuously mocking him. Jon pulled out his phone from his pocket and dialed.
"Melissandre, hi." he started and walked to the window.
"What a surprise. I thought it will be a longer mandate. Do not tell me you already finished." she surprised.
"No. I... there ... are more mess around this family than I thought," he admitted. "I need your help."
"Jon Snow asking for help." Melissandre laughed a bit. "Another surprise." she leaned back to her chair in the office. "what can I do for you?"
"I need information. About someone." he pulled the curtain a bit with his finger, and his eyes stopped on the luxury Audi which was standing right in front of the house. There was a man laying to the car. Probably his security, or driver. He made a face, then turned back to his desk.

Daenerys got ready. As she promised. Not half an hour passed. Her hair perfectly strands fell before her shoulders. Covered her bare shoulders above that tiny, little black mini dress she chose to wear that night.
"Your father was right. Sometimes you should wear a bit more clothes on." she heard Jon's deep voice from behind her. He was amazed by her beauty, but he hated that dress at the same time. It barely covered anything. Dany sighed and rolled her eyes, then turned to Jon.
"I'm glad to see you got ready on time." she decided to ignore his comment, while he was walking closer to her.
"I thought we agreed, that you won't leave the house in a shoe like that one." he glanced at her foot. She was wearing high heels again. A black shining one.
"We did not agree on anything. You've told me I shouldn't, but I want to wear those," she answered warily. "It perfectly fits with my dress."
"It's pretty bold that call this... something..." he looked at her body "on you... a dress."
"Oh my god, so sorry if I disappoint you," she said to him tauntingly and stepped more closer, looked deep into his eyes. "Let me enlight you, I didn't dress for you, so I don't care about your opinion." she was talking so slowly. The tension between them was huge, both of them felt it. "Get used to it." she hissed, but before she could turn and leave him there, he grabbed her arm. Dany turned her head and fixed her eyes on his hand, then slowly raised her eyes at his face. Jon opened his mouth to say something, then swallowed a quite big one.
"I thought the things happened in the morning... make you a little bit careful." he frowned and avoided looking into her eyes.
"Sure. That is why I allowed you to come with us," she stated with a grimace and wanted to pull her arm out from his hand, but he did not let her. "I have a date. Let me go," she warned him.
"Have you always been so unbearable?" Jon released her arms and rolled his eyes.
"I could ask the same thing from you." she hit back.
"Are there any problems?" Jorah appeared not too far from them in the corridor. "Mr. Rogers is still waiting and ..."
"No. There is not any problem at all." she was staring at Jon's face, then she left him behind. She walked passed by Jorah quite quickly. Jon sighed, then wanted to follow her, but Jorah stopped him by his chest.
"You better forget her. Sooner is better." Jorah stated, and patted his shoulder, then just walked away. Jon shook his head. The past days started to resemble a ridiculous nightmare.

Dany walked down on the stairs, and she was careful. Clung to the railing. Jon was right those shoes were the dumbest idea of her, but she would never admit that. Especially not to him.
"Wow." Steve forgot to breathe when he spotted her on the stairs. Dany smiled a bit, and when she finally reached the ground floor, she relaxed a bit. Steve stretched his arm towards her, and she wrapped her arms around it.
"You're speechless." she gave him a smile.
"It's your fault." he glanced at her, and he looked proud and satisfied. He straightened himself. "You look... magnificent." he tried to find the perfect word.
"Come on." she played the innocent embarrassed girl. "It is just ... an old dress which I found at first in my closet."
"Sure." she heard how Jon made a comment about her words, meanwhile, he walked passed by them. He opened the entrance and looked around. He indicated them to not come out yet.
"He takes his job... seriously" Steve nodded.
"That's all he has. His job. At least in that, he must be good." she couldn't shut her mouth.
"You don't really like him" Steve raised his brow.
"I ... just... hate when my dad treats me as a child. That is all." she rolled her eyes, but she couldn't take her eyes off of Jon. He looked sexy and she had no idea how that damn suit could look that good on him. After he makes sure the place is safe, he turned to them and waved with his hand. Steven escorted Dany to his car, but Jon stepped on their way.
"She's coming with me," Jon looked straight to Steve's eyes. "Just give me the address."
"I am sorry, but that is a date."
"Yes, and I want to be sure, that she'll arrive in one piece to that date," he added. "I'll take her there, or she is not going anywhere." he made it clear.
"I am fucking enough of you." Dany released Steve and delivered her option, a bit too ardently.
"The feeling is mutual." he made a sarcastic face. "Get in the car." he nodded with his head, towards his car. Dany narrowed her eyes, she was out of her mind, but finally, she did that he asked. She did not want any scene in front of Steve's eyes.
"I don't think you should talk with her like that way," Steve mentioned when Dany left them. Jon needed every inch of his body, to not give a hot-headed answer to him.
"As soon as ... "he sighed "She finally understands her life is in danger, and she'll behave that way, I'll talk with her in another way. I promise." he told him sardonically. "We will follow you." he turned his back at Steve and walked to his car.

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