Lose control

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"Jon" Dany did not even come to her mind in the morning, she felt how his lips were sticking into her sex and licking it and sucking it. He was playing with her clit, that was the first thing that he started after he opened his eyes, he did not even wish a good morning to her. He just smiled at her, then that smile changed into a smirk, a grin... no matter how she calls it, and he just disappeared under her blanket and the next thing she felt, was his warm breath on her pussy. His tongue on her clit. Doing circles. "Yes. Fuck Yes!" she gripped his hair locks and tried to not be too loud. It was so early in the morning. The sun just came up, and as the sun shines through the slots of the shutter she reached her climax and her whole body tightened. She took some deep breaths and smiled. Jon climbed out from the blanket giving kisses to her belly, and her breasts. He raised his eyes at her, and he was laying over her body.
"Hi." his eyes were shining and he looked happy.
"What was that?" Dany frowned.
"That was that bad?" Jon raised his brow and smiled, meanwhile his finger was drawing circles around her nipple.
"I did not say that." she giggled a bit and bit her lower lip. "It was ... the best way how you can wake me up, to be honest."
"I missed to kiss it yesterday," he explained.
"Really?" Dany smiled "I did not notice. You gave me pleasure many many different ways." she caressed his face and he pulled himself closer to her face to kiss her desirable lips. He placed himself next to her, and she just snuggled closer immediately.
"Can we... wake up every morning in this way?" she asked him even if she knew he probably won't give an honest answer.
"I can't promise I'll give you a lick every morning, sometimes I am more tired and I am a bit unusable before breakfast but..." he tried to make a joke about the situation.
"I did not mean that. Idiot." she poked his chest and they both laughed. From their heart. "I am happy. I wouldn't have thought that... " she looked into his eyes "After my mother's death, and now... after my father got killed right in front of my eyes... I wouldn't have thought I'll ever feel this way again. I know nothing lasts forever but... "she sighed.
"The next couple of weeks... will be difficult. Even ... maybe it will break you many ways but... you are the strongest person who I know. Just don't let anything break you. You can be sad, but not broken. Okay?" he placed his hand to her face.
"Jon, why are you saying these things to me?"
"Because I love you." his smile was gone, but he was as honest as he could be with her. "And ... never lose hope and trust."
"You ... you asking this from me?" Dany frowned.
"Yes. Because you were the one who taught me there is always hope. There is always trust. It comes back to our lives in the most surprising way... in the most unexpected moments. So ... yes, it is me who is asking this. Because that is what can keep you alive." he admitted and his eyes stuck on her for some more moments then he turned to the nightstand to check his watch. "We have to get up." he sighed and wanted to get up from the bed but Dany pulled him back.
"It is you who keeps me alive," she told to his face and kissed his lips once more. 

Half an hour later, they were ready to leave. She checked herself once more in the mirror, and he spotted Jon behind her. Sure not in the same situation as yesterday. It was more enjoyable.
"Here." he put a baseball hat to her head. "It helps you to stay hidden."
"A baseball hat?" Dany turned to him and raised her brow.
"Yeah. And it looks good on you." he smiled at her and adjusted it.
"Why am I feeling that... I won't..." she couldn't finish because he placed his finger again to her lips. It is getting annoying. Every time when she wanted to talk about the future or the plans he always finds a way to shut her mouth. She knows it was not safe to talk about it, but she wanted to know what is waiting for them... when they arrive in Los Angeles.
"Love Birds!" Yen yelled and knocked on their door. "It is time to leave!"
"Can't we just leave her behind? Or shot her down? No one ever knows." Dany pulled a face and Jon laughed at her, then grabbed her hand. He enjoyed how jealous Dany is. That showed how much she loved him. She became a wild cat every time when Yen showed up. They walked out of the hotel and sat in the car. Jon squeezed Dany so close. It was strange. Weird... he never acted that way. Not in front of others. She squeezed her like... that is the last time when he can hold her close. Dany was worried.  He did not argue with her, he did not have any funny and annoying comments last night. Neither this morning. He was too kind. She raised her eyes at him and opened her mouth, but she knew it is unnecessary. He won't say a word.
"Just remember what I said yesterday. That is important. Only that." he caressed her face and told her quietly before she could say a word. Dany just nodded. They arrived at the airport quite quickly. There was no traffic. They went inside in a hidden corridor, probably that is for the private jets. They did not use it when they arrived there. Jon was looking around nervously. Even if Drogo and Tyrion went back to LA, he felt there is something wrong. He had a bad feeling, but he couldn't explain it. They followed the agents, but he kept Dany close to himself. He did not let her go for a moment.

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