Chapter 43: I Love Dogs!

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Greg's POV

" Shut up, this is just how I do stuff."

I had walked in on her labelling all the food that she had bought and stored in my fridge.

" You label everything yours ?" I smirk as she takes the cap off of the sharpie.

" Yes. If I write my name on it, it always stays with me."

" You're ridiculous. That is food." I say.

" Well if people know it's mine, then they won't take it away from me, now will they ?" She huffed as she put the last plastic container of food with her name on it into the fridge.

" You're being ridiculous." I snort.

She growls before turning towards me and tackling me to the ground. She grabbed my arm and pressed the sharpie into it as she wrote.

" What are you doing ?" I ask with a smirk.

" Just making it clear to everyone what belongs to me." She smiled devilishly before putting the sharpie on my forehead and beginning to write.

" G-get off!" I felt the blood rush to my face . . . and a couple of other places.

She hummed as she circled the pen one more time before jumping off of me and standing up and holding a mirror up to show me how she drew a mustache and a unibrow onto my face, and wrote her name on my left cheek," See, labelling stuff is like a repellent, so like my food, now no one will steal you either."

" Oh, that's new." I hide a smirk under a serious expression, completely forgetting any anger I had held towards her for writing on my face with a sharpie and making me look like a fool.

" What is ?" She asks.

" I'm yours ?" I ask.

She turns away from me quickly, and she doesn't speak for a couple of seconds before turning around and smiling widely," Yeah, you know, I always wanted a dog."

" I'm not a p-pet." I say, slightly embarrassed.

She walks towards me and places one of her hands on my shoulder, sending sparks up my arm, while lightly brushing the other hand over my chin," Won't you be mine, Greg ?"

I felt a hot blush creep onto my face.

" Y-you're kind of close." I try to turn my head away.

" Come on, my dad won't let me have pets, please ? I've always wanted one." She begs.

I begin to naw on my lower lip as I slowly turn my head back to face her with my eyes closed," When are you going to get it through your thick skull that I'm a werewolf, not -"

I accidentally open my eyes, to see her blushing face only centimeters from mine.

" Not what ?" She asked.

" . . . your pet . . . " I say quietly in a slight daze.
I glanced at her lips intensely before preparing to turn her down sternly.

" What was that ?" She asked," Did you say yes ? Oh, I'm so glad!" She hugged me tightly.

My heart practically jumped out of my chest.

" I'll definitely be yours." I say almost automatically as she presses her body to mine.

She lets go of me," So as my pet you'll have to shift."

I stare at her as my heart rate goes back to normal.

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