Chapter 9: We'll See . . . (edited)

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" Logan, calm down."

My heart dropped as I prevented him from leaping off of his bed to tackle Alec. I really wanted to see Logan's fist wipe Alec's smirk off his face.

" I'd listen to Lucy if I were you, Logan, violence is not the best choice for someone in your position."

" Bastards like him don't deserve -!" Logan was cut off when I forcefully pushed him back down onto the bed when he tried to lunge at Alec.

" Oh no you don't!" I growled as I pressed my left forearm into his neck while using my right hand to hold his arms above him. My body protested the sudden movement and pain pulsed throughout my chest and upper arms, but I had to stop Logan before he got us both into more trouble.

I never shifted, but I did have the strength of a pureblood, which meant I was able to overpower most people and wolves in their human forms.

" I am not about to get lectured by Alpha Wild because you wanted to start some dick measuring contest with another pack's beta!" I hissed into Logan's ear," I will let you go, but you have to promise you won't try anything. Do you promise to behave ?"

Logan narrowed his eyes and frowned as he slowly nodded his head. I removed my arm from his neck and sat back up and positioned myself on the edge of his bed. I glared at Alec, who was leaning on the doorframe, looking quite pleased with himself.

" Is there something you need from us ?" I snapped.

" You're quite strong for an unshifted." He noted, probably trying to pry more information from me.

" Why are you still here ?"

He pursed his lips before sighing," I was told to keep an eye on you for now." He tapped his head, I assumed that he was trying to imply his orders came through the pack mind link.

" Is the beta's job in this pack to babysit the guests."

" I wouldn't exactly call you two guests." He looked behind me at Logan, who was no doubt glaring back at him.

" Then what are we ? We can't leave and we have someone monitoring us. What would you call us ?" I crossed my hands over my chest.

There was a shared silence between us as I broke my glare to huff and look to the side. He hadn't explicitly said it, but it wasn't hard to figure out.


I shoved my hands into my pockets.

" I guess we'll see once Alpha Wild gets here." I said as I walked over to the curtain and yanked it to the side to close it.

Meanwhile, near the border between the Wild and Waters territories . . .

" What the hell is that brat trying to pull!" Tyler growled from the passenger seat of his truck.

" I'm sure this is a misunderstanding, sweetie." Petra replied calmly," The Waters are good people."

Petra made him let her drive the car after he almost caused an accident on three separate occasions during the four-hour drive to the border. While her mate had succumbed to a road-rage induced state of madness, she was a safe and calm driver.

She was always able to maintain a level head in tough situations, or at least outwardly appear calm. It was a skill that leaders and seasoned warriors had to learn quickly on the battlefield, and Petra had spent her life surrounded by those kinds of people until her mate crashed into her life. Tyler wore his heart on his sleeve, he was a screaming bundle of energy and raw emotion, and it was one of the things she admired about him.

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