Chapter 19: The Red Dawn II . . . (edited)

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Meanwhile, in the Southern Boarderlands of the werewolf kingdom . . .

The other members of the Red Dawn had their own missions to complete on the night of the accident that decreased the members in their ranks by one. Briar and Way had taken a trip onto the lands that the Northern Vampire Kingdom claimed as their own. Briar was originally from the Northern Vampire Kingdom and their mission would be easily completed with her knowledge of the land and the crippled state of political affairs. Six years ago, they suffered severe casualties from an attack launched onto them by the Roi Pack, and the northern vampires were still struggling to maintain their sovereignty from the Southern Vampire Kingdom, largely due to their preoccupation with rebuilding their kingdom.

The last two members, Tor and Gata, were a few thousand miles southeast of them in the Southern Boarderlands of the werewolf kingdom. They were picking up commissioned weapons from a witch who was notorious on the black market for impeccable craftsmanship that resembled that of the Balor Coven's before the Great War.

The seller went by the nickname Yarrow. Tor and Gata had no expectations of what they would look like, but when he arrived, his bright blue irises rimmed with bright red shocked them. The yellowish hair color was uncharacteristic for a witch as well, but it wasn't uncommon for modern witches to dye it to avoid being identified. He had an overall smaller build than either of them, but he had enough confidence to make up for any intimidation lost on his appearance.

Unfortunately, the first thing Yarrow said to the two of them – before any sort of introduction or greeting – was a price change.

" That isn't the price you gave Taus when he made the order." Gata narrowed his eyes as his fist clenched around the briefcase he was holding. His red cloak was more of a large button-up dress shirt, and his sword was draped over his shoulder. In the poor lighting the most visible feature on Gata were his electric blue eyes that glowed in the dark. In the light one would have noticed the two angry scars that ran vertically over each eye and the small crescent moon on his forehead.

Yarrow smiled and pushed his blonde hair behind his shoulder," Well, you aren't Taus." He wore a gadget that allowed him to magnify objects with his left eye, but he covered it with bangs so that enemies couldn't see it. He wasn't keen on fighting, he mostly used it when he was crafting his weapons, but he made sure to wear it to the appointment because he knew his clients were more dangerous than usual.

Gata growled," That doesn't matter. I'm serving as his proxy."

" Well then maybe he should've picked someone else to send in his place if he was too busy." Yarrow sighed," I happen to have a particular aversion for werewolves."

"And I happen to have a particular aversion for racists, but you don't see me being difficult."

" Difficult ?" Yarrow's eye twitched," You're the one paying me to make the shit you're too lazy or too incompetent to make yourself. I'm allowed to be difficult!"

" There's a difference between difficult and unreasonable, and I urge that you learn it before I run out of patience." Gata growled.

" Or what, you're going to use the midnight sword to kill me and steal the merchandise ?" Yarrow narrowed his eyes and smirked," I suppose that is how you came into possession of that weapon in the first place, so it wouldn't be all that surprising."

" Tor." Gata growled lowly as his free hand twitched at his side," I'm going to kill him."

" Now now everyone, let's calm down." Tor walked over and stood between the two men, materializing from seemingly nowhere.

" Fantastic, another groupie!" Yarrow rolled his eyes.

" I believe that we made this order months in advance with the agreed price point at fifteen million dollars, can't you understand that raising it without advance notice to twenty-five million is a bit unreasonable ?" Tor said.

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