Chapter 4: Bonds . . . (edited)

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After Petra pulled me out of Tyler's office, she force fed me until I told her I would puke if I ate more. She then started to pack three Tupperware containers with leftovers for me to take back to my apartment as I sat by the counter.

" So how's everything been around here ?" I ask as I place my elbows on the counter and rest my cheek in my right palm.

" Well, I assume Tyler told you about the Red Dawn issue." She sighed," It's got Tyler and Paxton on edge since we were forced to send the majority of our elite guard to the capital recently."

" The capital ?" I frown," I thought they didn't take mixed bloods up there ?"

" Well, it was a royal order, so apparently they do." She sighed.

" Why would they need more warriors when they're already armed to the teeth up there ?" I ask.

" Goddess knows, but we both know the king doesn't always act in the best interest of the kingdom, so we're trying to prepare for the worst. I know I said this earlier Sweetie, but we just want to keep you safe."

" I -"

" I know, and your safety won't come at the expense of your freedom. I won't cage you in to keep you from going back out there alone, as much as I want to, I just need you to be more careful." She sighed," And maybe take the time to introduce your boyfriend to your mom sometime soon."

" Logan!" I hissed as I leapt out of the stool I was sitting in.

" Why are you yelling at him for telling me ? Did you intend to hide this from me ?" She pouted from across the counter.

" No, I just wanted to wait a while to tell you guys. He's a human so I didn't want to scare him by bringing him here immediately, y'know ?" I rubbed my arm nervously.

" I would never scare my daughter's suitor off!" She scoffed," Unless it so happened that I deemed him unworthy of her or anything like that." She muttered quietly after.

" See, that's exactly what I'm talking about!" I exclaimed.

" Well, I was just hoping that you and Paxton would get married since -"

" I've told you before, Paxton is like a brother to me, I won't ever see him in that kind of way and I think the same goes for him!" I wave my arms around.

" Ew, mom, isn't that kinda like incest ?" Logan says as he walks into the room.

" Not at all, they're not blood related!" She crossed her arms over her chest indignantly.

" Yeah, but you and dad adopted her so even if it isn't, it would still be super weird." Logan mumbled.

Petra looked between Logan and me before huffing," I raised you both and this is how you repay me ?"

" Mom, I love you but you're crazy." Logan walked over and gave Petra a kiss on the forehead as he scooped up the leftovers in the Tupperware containers," Come on Lulu, let's get going." He said as he walked towards the garage.

I walked over to Petra to hug her and nuzzle her neck," We'll talk tomorrow."

She wrapped a strong arm around my back," I love you sweetie." She stroked my hair twice before releasing me. I smiled at her once more before turning around and following Logan into the garage.

" Okay Logan, let's get going before you try to get out of driving me back."

Logan had already placed the Tupperware containers in the car, and he was waiting by the hood for me to head to the passenger's side.

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