Chapter 17: Free Time . . . (edited)

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My heart was racing as I marched forwards towards my father, who was sitting on the throne that overlooked the marble court room on a platform five steps high. The sea of my father's political advisors and members of his cabinet parted as I made my way across the room.

It was silent until I stopped in front of the steps leading to the throne.

I took a deep breath," I'm not getting married!"

My father's eyes blazed golden yellow with rage that seemed to make the air in the room heavier. Not a single person in the room moved in the silence that followed my declaration, I doubt anyone so much as breathed under my father's intense aura. Even I found myself holding my breath.

" Leave." My father's order echoed throughout the tall room. The second the word fell from his lips, everyone swiftly filed towards the exit. The room was empty within seconds, I'd have left with everyone else if my father's gaze didn't have my feet glued to the floor.

Once the loud click of the heavy pine doors indicated that they were closed my father spoke again," Who gave you the idea that it was acceptable for you to interrupt my meeting like that ?"

" You refused to talk to me during your free time."

" I don't have free time, but if I did I certainly wouldn't waste it on petty tantrums." His cold voice cut.

" You can't be serious – I don't – this whole marriage goes against the church doctrine that you govern with! Not to mention I don't want to get married to him!" I hissed.

Even if my argument against the marriage on the principle of free will and consideration of my feelings didn't work, he'd become a hypocrite for disregarding the church at his own convenience. The law was on my side.

" I don't care about what you want, I gave you an order." He replied lowly, " You will listen because I'm your king."

My mouth hung open. I knew how he felt for years now, but his cold words still managed to leave me speechless. I bit my cheek to try and suppress my rage, only for my frustration to bubble over," You were supposed to be my father!" I growled as I clutched my necklace with my hands, digging my fingers into the silk of my shirt.

I woke up early enough to see the sun had yet to peak over the horizon. It seemed I would not be allowed a peaceful slumber during my stay here, since something about this situation caused my mind to fixate on memories from my time in the palace that I wasn't particularly fond of.

My father was a royal jackass, and my childhood wasn't perfect, but that wasn't something unique to me. Everyone had their fair share of skeletons in their metaphorical closet, especially in the supernatural world. I was fortunate enough to have the Wilds help me heal from my past after I ran away, and what mattered now was that I was better. I still want to punch my father in the face a few times, but what emotionally stable person doesn't have lingering daddy issues ?

I slipped out of my bed and padded over to my dresser to see if there was a clean change of clothes, since I was still wearing the oversized ones from the other day.

To my disappointment, there were no clothes in the dresser. I chastised myself mentally, why would there be clothes in there, it isn't as if he had the time to prepare for a guest.

I walked back to my bed and allowed myself to fall backwards onto it. I still didn't have my phone or any of my belongings.

Is this what life without technology is like ?

My rumbling stomach interrupted my soul searching, reminding me that I hadn't eaten at all yesterday.

As if someone read my mind, I was taken out of my thoughts when someone knocked at my door.

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