Chapter 15: Eavesdropping . . . (edited)

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I was currently standing outside of Greg's office. Regrettably, I'd been led here by Callista after asking her who in the pack disliked me enough to warrant her extra protection. I assumed she would simply provide the names of the people, but instead she took me to eavesdrop on a conversation someone was having with Greg.

Before I could even ask any other questions, she disappeared, stranding me in the hallway without any clue as to where I was.

" Marina, calm down." Greg's voice cut into the air.

" Don't patronize me!" Marina hissed," No one is calm right now, that's not a luxury we're allowed at the moment."

" Yes, but you were not like this before she came. I understand that you don't like her, but that doesn't warrant raising your voice at me."

" You're really having her stay here like that ?" Marina growled at Greg as he sat behind his desk.

" Yes." Greg replied.

I heard a bang, as if someone had hit the wall inside the office," At least put her somewhere the rest of us don't have to see her then!" She hissed. Silence followed her outburst.

I sighed and shook my head. I was used to werewolves acting like this towards me, it was nothing I hadn't experienced before, so I didn't pay much mind to it at this point. At least I knew where I stood with Marina, the same couldn't be said about the others I'd met so far.

Especially Callista.

" I mean the dungeons are completely empty, I'm sure if you put a blanket and –" She was interrupted midsentence.

" I refuse to entertain the idea of locking Lucy up any further. Your distaste for her does not change the fact that in the end, what happens to her is my decision, and I have decided that she is to be our guest." Greg's voice snapped," Am I understood ?"

The doors rattled and I took a few steps away from them to distance myself from the office, on the off chance that the doors fly open to expose me. Greg probably wouldn't appreciate my eavesdropping.

" Yes." Marina said quietly after a few moments of silence.

" Good." Greg replied," Though, I did make the arrangement with you in mind, you've been telling me for months to hire someone to clean the pack house."

" I'll clean the pack house myself if you get rid of her!" Marina growled.

" You dislike her that much ?"

" Yes!" She exclaimed.

" But you refuse to tell me why."

Marina remained silent.

" I assume you would tell me your reason if she presented some sort of danger to the pack, so your silence on the matter indicates that it's personal, am I right ?" Greg asked softly.

How could that be the case?! I fumed; I've never met her before in my life!

" Would it change your mind if it was ?" She asked.

" I'll decide once you tell me." Greg replied.

" You always say that!" She growled before stomping over to the doors and turning to yell at him," Asshole!" My heart thudded against my chest as I desperately skittered along the wall to pull myself around the corner so I could hide from her as she threw the office doors open and stomped towards the kitchen, which was luckily in the opposite direction of where I was cowering.

I released a breath in relief before being shoved suddenly to the ground from where I was crouching.

" Find your own hiding spot, low breed!" A kid's voice growled at me.

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