Chapter 41: Ice Cream

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Celia never made sense to me. That woman drove me insane since she first got here eight years ago.

" Sorry about that." Corine said suddenly, bringing my attention back to him.

I laughed," Are you going to spend the entire night apologizing for things you didn't do ?"

He looked down," No, I just think I may have caused you more trouble."

" Come on, stop that." I put my hand under his chin to bring it up so he is looking at me again," Let's go get some ice cream from the kitchen. We can go to the village when I'm not under house arrest."

Corine looked at me for a moment before nodding.

We both headed to the kitchen, and I threw the doors open, scaring the two staff members that were still in there.

I looked between them. One was a man who looked two decades older than me with blond hair that was tied in a bun, and the other was a woman around my age with short black hair cut into a bob.

The woman bowed," Princess Regime." She said with her head down.

The man looked at her strangely before following suit and muttering my name.

Corine waved them off," You may leave now."

The man and woman stood up, but I couldn't help myself from staring at the woman as she exited the kitchen.

" Did you go around showing the staff pictures of me or something ?" I laughed as I walked over to the freezer.

Corine cocked his head to the side," No, that sounds ridiculous."

" Oh." I said as I grabbed a tub of chocolate ice cream out of the freezer.

Then how did that maid know who I was ?

" What are you thinking about ?"

Add that to my growing list of things to figure out later. I groaned.

" Oh, nothing." I turned around with the tub of ice cream," Do you still like mint chocolate chip better ?"

" I can bear with chocolate for tonight."

" I don't get how you like mint flavored things." I sighed," It's like eating toothpaste."

" You just lack taste." Corine walked over with bowls and spoons.

I laughed as I scooped us ice cream. We both took our bowls and walked over to one of the seven living rooms in the castle. This one was the smallest one, but I always preferred it because it was cozy.

We sat down at the couch in front of the fireplace, and Corine turned to me," So what have you been up to for the last five years ?"

I smiled at my bowl," It wasn't that exciting, I just stayed with some nice people and went to school."

" Varian told me you were with the Wilds." He raised a brow," How'd you manage to convince them to hide you for so long ?"

" I just asked nicely."

" And that worked ?" Corine almost spat out his ice cream.

" I mean, until recently." I motioned to myself and then to the room.

I still haven't forgiven Evan for snitching. I growl to myself, starting to think about all the ways in which I could punish him for his betrayal.

" I heard you also had a run in with the Water's pack, I hope they didn't cause you much trouble." Corine said.

My face must have scrunched in disgust as I thought of Greg, because Corine was quick to put a hand on my shoulder and say," Don't worry, we've been dealing with them for the past few months, I understand. They're still refusing to join us along with two other pure blood packs in the United States."

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