V14 - Chapter 167 Naminto

Start from the beginning

"In an all-female society, how did you get children?" James asks. "You still need a dude to have children so..."

She chuckles, expecting that question. She was about to respond but stops herself, remembering that she must be careful on how she answers. "As you know all babies will end up as female Warrior Bunnies. Even though we were isolationists, we let in what we call honorable and desirable characteristics into our villages to breed with."

While that was partly true, she decided not to tell them about the raid parties that used to attack villages and kidnap males. They would bring them back to their tribes to get impregnated and that is how her people maintain their numbers.

She then smiles as she thinks of a memory. "I remember seeing hundreds of little girls running around. Playing games, getting dirty, getting in trouble. It was so peaceful before the Empire invaded."

"Aww," Daisy says. "That is cute."

James smirks at Daisy. "You like to know who else is cute?"

Daisy looks at him and smirks. "I love everything that is cute. Just not that little stick in your pants."

She hears Adam and Trenton laugh, hearing what Daisy says. She could not help but chuckle, hearing that.

"Damn," James says. "That's cold."

"That is because you say it wrong," Hodor Marceau comments.

"What do you mean?" James asks.

She looks to the High Elf. Hodor, Tuka Luna Marceau's father. She has heard many rumors that Hodor is a great leader, leading his people through eight years of travel after being betrayed by the Edras Kingdom(3). She also heard that he is a ladies' man. Rumor has it that he already slept with a hundred of the female Other Worlder soldiers.

"Let me show you," Hodor says.

Hodor speaks to Daisy. He looks her up with his eyes and speaks very smoothly, implying what a great time they could have.

What surprised her is how she barely says anything. Everything he says and facial expressions implied everything. His gaze from his eyes beamed what he wanted her to think into her. He gives her a seductive smirk.

She sees all this and is impressed by Hodor's skill. Only getting a glimpse of him, even she feels a sudden attraction. If they were not on a scouting mission, she wants to take Bailey alone somewhere.

"Knock it off everyone," Second Lieutenant John Callahan orders. "We are on a mission, so keep your wits. And Hodor. We are here because your people want to set up a new village. Not to hit on our troops. Get with it."

She sees everyone getting back into formation. Daisy winks at Hodor and looks forward.

"Damn Hodor," Adam says. "You're like James Bond."

"My name isn't Bond," Hodor says as he walks forward to join Bailey and John.

She chuckles, understanding the reference.

What John says was correct; many elves want to establish a village close to Alnus. Alnus' command agreed with Hodor's proposal and saw the Coan Forest as an ideal location.

The idea is to help booster Alnus eastern flank. Early in the war the Flame Dragon destroyed either all the towns or forced everyone to flee(4) so this region should be free of population.

After some time, Daisy looks back at Delilah. "You don't have to answer this question, but did you have children before... well you know, before what happened?"

She glances away as she thinks about the day her country fell to the Empire. "They're nothing to worry about Daisy. I guess I was lucky that I didn't have kids yet."

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