Chapter 13 - The Past Revealed And Secrets Hidden

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Chapter 13 - The Past Revealed And Secrets Hidden

Christina's P.O.V.

     Why couldn't I tell Mason my past? I have no fucking idea. Why did I let my wolf take over and use my powers? No fucking idea. Why did I keep my powers a secret in the first place? No fucking idea. That's all I could reply to my questions. No. Fucking. Idea. I should've never hidden the fact that I had powers in the first place; it would've caused more drama. I should've been able to tell Mason about my dark past, but I couldn't. I shouldn't have let my wolf take over and use my powers, because now I owe everyone a huge explanation.

     I continued to walk around the woods, no destination in mind. I needed to cool down. Especially since the fire burnt my body slightly. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Damn. Why does this have to happen to me? Shouldn't it be my brother who is the rightful owner of the powers? He was supposed to be the next Alpha after all. I also didn't forget the fact that I saw Luke standing behind Mason. Crap. Should I go back? I mean, I am over exaggerating, since Mason only wanted to know about my mom and dad, but I just couldn't bring myself to tell him. Hopefully, my brother could tell him.


~~Mason's P.O.V.~~

     Luke and I moved over to the couch, sitting in-front of my mom, dad, Johnny, Jessica, Arial, and Alex.

     "Someone better explain to me, right this minute what the hell is going on," I said. Everyone looked over to my dad as he sighed and ran a hand through his hair, before he opened his mouth and began talking.


     This couldn't father had just finished explaining who Christina and the rest of the crew really are. Really? Christina, my mate, an Alpha children? I mean, I guess I could say everything fit in place. The way Johnny was fuming of Alpha power when I first met him, the way Christina gets the faraway look in her eyes when she spoke about her past when we went on our first date, the reason why Christina has no parents; well, the reason why none of them had parents around right now. mate is the one of the survivors from Midnight Horizon Shore Pack.

     For some reason I felt guilty, why? Maybe it was the fact that I forced Christina into telling me who her parents are. I understood everything. Why she didn't want to talk about, why she told me to let it go, why I always had that feeling that I needed to let it go.

     "But, we have no idea what just happened. Christina has some serious explaining to do," said Johnny. I nodded and looked down at the floor. Wishing Christina would come back already, cause' I had some serious butt kissing to do.


     It was midnight now. Everyone was on the edge since Christina hasn't come back yet. Johnny, Alex, Arial, and Jessica looked like they were ready to pull their hair any minute if she didn't show up. My mom and dad were frowning and nervous rolling off from them in waves; but none of them were like me. I was much, much worse. Horrible questions kept running through my mind. Things like what if she got inured, what if she blacked out and someone captured her, what if she didn't want to come back and things like that. Luke was nervous too. He was sitting on the edge of the couch; if he scooted anymore, he'll end up sitting on the ground.


     The next morning, a squeal broke me out of my dreams. Last night, after three o' clock am, Christina still hadn't come back. We all decided to go to sleep and wait for her to return. I couldn't sleep. Well, I couldn't sleep without her in my arms.

     I quickly sprung up from my bed and bolted out of my room. When I reached the living room, I saw what the commotion was about. Christina. She was sleeping on the couch. Well, that was until Arial and Jessica jumped on her. Her eyes flew open and looked around, shocked. I would've laughed at her face, but this wasn't the right time.

     "YOU, MISSY, HAVE SOME DAMN EXPLAINING TO DO!" shouted Arial and Jessica.

     "I...can't...breathe," Christina wheezed. Arial and Jessica jumped up and apologized. Christina sighed and told them that it was fine.

     "Well?" demanded her brother. She sighed and looked around the room, her eyes landing on mine. That's when I realized everyone else was already in the room.


     I don't think I'm ready for anymore secrets. Christina was a freaking werewolf and has magical abilities?! Everyone around the room stared at her shocked. Wide eyes, opened mouths. Christina had just finished telling us everything and showing us her magical abilities. I just couldn't believe it. Christina, my mate, the most powerful werewolf known? This had to be some type of joke, right? Well, obviously it's not! Since she just showed us her freaking powers!

     "My!" shouted Johnny, whilst jumping up from his seat and fist pumping the air. Christina smiled. That seemed to break everyone out of their trances. Arial and Jessica squealed with excitement. Alex fist pumped the air while shouting 'my best friend is awesome.' My mom and dad grinned widely and hugged Christina.

     I got up from my seat and grabbed Christina's hand.

     "Hey! What are you-" she started. She didn't get to finish her sentence since I tossed her up and put her over my shoulder. She gasped and began pounding my back with her small little fists.

     "MASON! PUT ME DOWN! DO YOU NOT REALIZE WHAT I'M WEARING?!" she screeched. I looked over at her and noticed the t-shirt she was wearing. My t-shirt. With no pants on. I smirked and patted her ass, making her squeal again.

     Once I reached my bedroom, I shut the door and locked it. Tossing Christina onto my bed. She sat up and sneered at me. Before she could get up, I crawled onto the bed and kissed her deeply. I needed this. I needed her. I missed having her in my arms.

     When I pulled away, I began apologizing. "I'm so damn sorry Christina, I love you so much, and I'm sorry for-" I began; but she cut me off with another kiss. That's how the rest of the morning went. The both of us making love.


     The rest of the day was peaceful to say at least. Christina spent the whole day training with her powers as we just watched her. She's incredible, to say the least. I really hope fate doesn't throw any more curve balls at us, even if it's just for a little while. I needed the peace, the break from everything.


This Chapter has been fully edited.




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