Chapter 14 - Merry Christmas~*~* Part 1

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Chapter 14 - Merry Christmas~*~* Part 1

Mason's P.O.V.

     I swear to God, if I see anymore fake Santa's walking around, collecting money for 'charity', I will rip their heads off.

     I was at the mall, with Christina, Arial, Jessica, Johnny, Alex, and Luke. The girls had dragged us to the mall...again. Today was the day before Christmas Eve, and supposedly, they needed a dress for Christmas. I was pissed off with the fake Santa's since I knew they weren't using the money people were giving them for 'charity', but for their own personal use. That's not what Christmas holidays are about, they're about giving and love, not for selfish needs. So far twelve fake Santa's have came up to us, and if one more came up to us, I would literally rip off their heads.

     "Let's go in here!" squealed Christina. I looked over at her and smiled, I loved seeing her happy face, it just made me warm inside. I brought along the camera to take pictures, since the mall was decorated with lights and beautiful Christmas trees. It was my first time spending Christmas with someone I love; I mean, sure I love my parents and family, it's just I meant relationship love, not family love.


     Luke, Johnny, Alex, and I were sitting on the seats in-front of the changing rooms, waiting for Christina, Jessica, and Arial to hurry up and pick a dress so we could go eat. The three of them have tried on like 4 dresses so far, each dress they would ask us for our opinions, honestly, Christina looked hot in all of them, although none of them screamed Christmas spirit/holiday so far.

     Did I also forget to mention that the female workers that worked in that store were looking at us like a piece of chocolate cake? Yeah. Their stares were pretty lustful alright.

     "Excuse me, sir. Would you like some help?" a female voice asked. I looked over my shoulder and saw a lady looking at me with lustful eyes and a suggestive smile. She batted her eyelashes way to many times.

     "No thank you. I'm here with my girlfriend," I stated. The girl frowned before sneering as the changing doors opened. I looked over at the changing room doors...and my mouth dropped. Holy fucking shit. Did I just get a boner from seeing my mate in a dress?

     Christina had on a gold dress that was strapless. It had a sweetheart neckline and showed a bit of her breasts. The top part was covered in gold sequins, shining when the lights reflect off from them. The skirt part was covered in gold glitter, and came up to about mid-thigh, showing off her tan, long legs. Damn, those legs seemed to go on for miles...

     I quickly grabbed the camera and snapped a picture of her. I stood up, and kissed her, hard. She moaned when I bit down on her bottom lip and sucked it gently. This girl just tastes better and better each time I kiss her. Someone cleared their throat, bringing me out of my lustful thoughts. I looked at the lady who wanted to help me, and saw her glaring at Christina.

     "Do you need any help?" she asked through clenched teeth.

     "No thank you. My friends and I are actually done, what do you think of this dress, baby?" asked Christina. I looked down at her and smiled.

     "You look breath-taking baby. You should get it," I purred. I smirked when she shivered at my husky voice. She smiled up at me and pecked my lips before going back into the changing rooms. I looked over at Arial and Jessica, I've gotta say, they looked really gorgeous in their dress too. Jessica and Arial had the same exact style of Christina's dress, only things is that Jessica's dress was red, and Arial's dress was green. I sat back down on the seat and looked at the picture I took of Christina in her dress. She looked absolutely amazing. She was smiling somewhere else but she had one hand on her hip as she posed.

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