Chapter 18 - The Blue Stone

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Chapter 18 - The Blue Stone

Christina's P.O.V.

     My days continued to drag on, and on. Everything seemed to flash by me as I continued to stare at the necklace that once belonged to my mother. The blue stone continued to gaze up at me and twinkle at times when the light reflected off from it. It seemed as school and my life continued to pass on by, not giving me anytime to register what day, or time it is. My life was slowing down as time sped up, confusing me more and more each day. All that I could focus on...was a stupid necklace. A necklace that gave me power. A necklace that once belonged to my wolf, Annabel. A necklace...that brought me nothing but more trouble.

     Humans gazed at it with envy, wanting something like it, to show off that they are wealthy, and rich. Werewolves continued to stare at me with burning jealousy, obviously, wanting it, since they know the legend of the necklace.

     "Christina," someone whispered into my ear while snapping their fingers in-front of me. I jumped and snapped my eyes over to who it was. My brother.

     "Yes, Johnny?" I asked, pocketing the necklace away in my jeans as the sounds of chatter and noises came back to me, making me notice I was in the cafeteria with everyone else.

     He sighed and ran a hand through his hair, looking ahead of him.

     "I know you're going through alot right now, but please, try to stay focused, I don't like worrying about you all the time," he said, gazing back down at me with a worried expression.

     I sent him a forced smile while nodding.

     "Yeah, sorry, I was just, blanking out," I said.

     "Like usual," said Alex. I looked over at him with a glare as he just shrugged and continued eating and talking.

     I looked down at my food and smiled. This morning, Johnny had spent his morning making everyone's lunches. I picked up the ham and cheese sandwich and bit into it. Moaning at the melted cheese.

     I looked up at my brother and smiled.

     "This is good," I complemented, while taking a sip of my juice. He smiled and bit into his own lunch. I looked over at everyone else, noticing relief deep in their eyes, making me more upset. I hated knowing that everyone worried about me. I just wanted everything to stop, rewind, and go back to where all the good days were.

     I looked into Mason's eyes and noticed worry lined deep within his eyes, although his eyes showed nothing but love, passion, and relief as he gazed at me. I smiled and leaned my head on his shoulder. The jolts of shocks running throughout our body as my head made a connection to his shoulder. His arm wrapped around my waist, holding me to him.

     Sometimes, I feel like I have just been over thinking about some stuff. To say, I had to help Mason connect with his inner wolf, since I could feel Annabel's spirit weakening within me. She needed her mate, she needed love. I also had to find out who could be the possible person to betray me. My mind was jumbled with thoughts, some of them were simply useless too.

     I sighed and stood up, I needed time to myself.

     "Christina, you okay?" asked Arial. I nodded.

     "Yeah, I just need to get some fresh air," I mumbled as I walked out of the cafeteria, alone. I walked out of the school and onto the football field. I sat down on the hill, my back leaning against the tree. I closed my eyes and let myself calm down.

     My thoughts went to my parents as I continued to let the air cool me. My eyes continued to stay shut as I pulled the memories up, slightly smiling at each of them.

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