Will ask sorry?

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After talking with him she went to sleep,she had a dream what vikram had (mentioned the dream in first part)but the girl who was stabbed, called by the person

Other person:Indu.......

That girl:arjunnn.......

Aditi waked up from the dream

Aditi:why I'm getting strange dreams..
(As she sees the watch it's already 7:30 am, as soon as she went to bath and getting dressed and went to pooja room and praying infront of lord Krishna )

Aditi:oh god ,Today the dream which I dreamt was strange,I never had a dream like this,Is this related to me?it says anything to me?whatever krishna, let it be I will get to know soon. Today , the day should be good,see you, Bye...

(As she tends to leave someone from behind pulled her ears,she is none other than aditi's mom)

Preethi:how much time I will say to you not to skip your morning breakfast..

Aditi:For that only I came to you ma. Wait ma I will come and eat,Ma leave my ear it's paining.

(As she says  Preethi left her ear, they both started to eat and soon aditi left the home)

(Shiva came to Vikram's home for picking him up as he entered the home ,he was hell shocked as he goes near him)

Shiva:Dei it's you? I can't believe,it's a dream or real

Vikram:It's real da,what happend to you?

Shiva: because whenever I come to your home,You will not be ready but today I thought sun rises in the west ,now you are sitting and eating that's why?

Vikram:It's nothing da, simply..

Shiva:I know for meeting your ms.kitty you are getting ready soon..

Vikram:It's all nothing da.I know for what ,for meeting sharanya in college,you came soon to pick me up,wah what a support from her yesterday when aditi tease you,she supports you.

Shiva:it's nothing da,we are friends right? that's why when you both teases me ,she supports me.

Vikram:Here also same,Ok let's go to the college.

Shiva:Ok da.

(They left for college,On the other side sharanya also comes to the college by car,As four of them reached the college,Aditi was sitting in the steel bench ,she sees around her,all of them sitting as a pair (lovers),she feels uncomfortable and tends to leave ,a voice came from behind calling her name)

Aditi:vikku, good morning!!(She said smiling)

Vikram:good morning ms.kitty. Are you waiting for anyone.(seeing the file in her hand)

Aditi:Yes,I have to give this application form to the office.I don't know where the office is located?

Vikram:what application?

(He gets the application from her hand ,it was a application of joining in the sports team along with that there are many certificate ,in which she got gold ,silver and bronze medals for playing kabadi)

Vikram:I will let you the way to the office.

(As Shiva after parking the bike came to vikram,as Vikram says that they are going for office and after that he tells to Shiva to go the class carrying their bags)

Shiva:you enjoy da,enjoy!!

Vikram:dei,go da,go the class or else they will mark absent for us.

Shiva:bye idiot!!!!

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