Adivik's emotional breakdown

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(Aditi opened the door and was shocked to Sameer with his parents, they saw aditi)

Sameer mother(towards Sameer):she looks so beautiful,your choice is best dr

(Aditi came inside and greeted them, Preethi stood beside her)

Preethi:she is my daughter aditi

Sameer father(to aditi):did you forget us dr,I'm yours father's friend,Sameer said about a girl,I don't know that is you,we are happy that we are getting the daughter in law like you

(Aditi was shocked and she was holding the tears,she saw Preethi)

Sameer mom(to Preethi):you decide with aditi and say the answer

(Preethi nooded and the family left the place at that time priya(Shiva's mom) came,both priya and Preethi were speaking in hall,aditi greeted priya  without saying anything,she went to her room and started crying badly)

Aditi:god,why it is happening to me,what I will do now,I cannot marry someone,I'm loving vikram, he is my world,why God,why...

(Aditi wipped her tears)

Aditi:I have to say my love to ma,

(Aditi left the room and was going towards the hall,she heard their talking of her marriage)

Priya:have you heard about the groom's characters

Preethi:he is nice boy and also he is my husband friend son,when aditi was small,her father worked under their company,at that time Sameer's father was a boss,they used to be like best friends,they helped us in many ways,after Aditi's father death we came here,then we don't have contact of them

Priya:Preethi,first ask to aditi

Preethi:I know about my daughter, she will not go against my decision, she knew that I will choose best for her

(Aditi went to room with the tears,in hall)

Priya:one time ask her

Preethi:ok ka

Priya:ok,you know one thing,that your selfie stick loved a girl

Preethi:who is that girl

Priya:you know sharanya,their friend

Preethi:sharanya..(in a shocked manner)


Preethi:did you speak to their parents

Priya:no,but her father called him to their house and Shiva's father also thinking of it

Preethi:sharanya is nice girl,we have seen her right

Priya:yaa,I also speaked with her,if their parents agreed we can keep their engagement

Preethi:if aditi says yes,then we can keep shiva and aditi engagement at the same date

Priya:that's right,ok I have to go home

Preethi:ok akka,take care

Priya:ok Preethi bye


(Priya left,on the other side,aditi was crying devastedly,her tears were unstoppable)

Aditi:god..what a situation I need to face,one side my mom and other side vikram,I need both of them

(At that time,Preethi came to her room,she wiped her tears hurriedly)

Preethi:addu ma..shall I ask you something

Aditi:yes mom

(Preethi was about to say something, she feels dizzy and was about to fall,but aditi catched her)

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