Sujatha-Aditi bond

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(After Few days,in Adivik's room, vikram was searching something in hurry,at that time aditi woke up by rubbing her eyes)

Aditi:good morning vikku

Vikram:good morning(without seeing her)

Aditi:what are you doing?

Vikram:I'm searching the office file,which is important

Aditi:today you have meeting?

Vikram:actually,you were not well na,I said my dad to attend the meeting instead of me

Aditi:it is important meeting na,you should go

Vikram:after your health is better,I will go

Aditi:no need,I'm fit and fine,I know vikram yesterday night you were doing presentation for today's meeting,I wish you should be there in office,please na

Vikram:ok,but be ready at afternoon

Aditi:for what

Vikram:we have to go to hospital for health checkup

Aditi:ok come here(vikram went near her and kissed his forehead)all the best

Vikram:thank you,bye


(Vikram left the room,aditi took bath and gets freshened and came down for breakfast,were rithika and her mom was eating,Sujatha was serving to them,aditi came to them)

Aditi:good morning

Sujatha:good morning aditi

Rithika m:see which time she is waking

Sujatha:her health is not well,as a mother I should take care,is there anything problem for you

Rithika m:anni,I didn't mean wrong,you are cooking as a single person,that's why I said

Sujatha:I'm cooking as a single person,for more years,it's not new for me,aditi ma,you come,sit and eat

Aditi:it's ok ma,I will eat afterwards

Sujatha:no afterwards,first you eat

(Rithika and her mother fumed in anger,Sujatha served her)

Aditi:maa did you eat

Sujatha:I will eat after you

Aditi:no ma,you sit along with me and eat,you should take tablets in proper time

(Sujatha also eat along with them,after breakfast, Sujatha was in kitchen and was cooking,aditi came to her)

Aditi:ma,I will do the work

Sujatha:no ma,you have to take rest

Aditi:ma,I'm getting bored

Sujatha:go and watch tv or listen music

Aditi:ma..(said smilingly)

Sujatha:we have to plan reception for four of you

Aditi:yes ma,ma but I didn't do the rituals after marriage

Sujatha:you don't need to worry,we can do

Aditi:ok ma

Sujatha:what all are the dishes you eat?

Aditi:I will eat all the veg items


Aditi:no ma,I hate non-veg


Aditi:from my childhood,if I eat non veg na,I will get vomit,so mostly I avoid non veg

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