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Priya:Its all happend before 20 years


(A bright morning in sekar's mansion, servants are working in hurry burry,a lady is shouting the servants who were not working properly, a man comes to the lady and patted her shoulder)

Man:arrey relax,take some rest na

(The man and the lady face was revealed,the man is rajendran and lady is priya)

Priya:Decorations should be perfect na,how can i relax

Person: how she can be relax da

(A voice came from behind and they was turned to see it was none other Parvathi)

Parvathi :How will she relax, its her sister marriage na

Rajendran:I also know ma, its my brother marriage also

Another man: what are all you doing?

(The man face was revealed it was non other than sekar,rajendran's father)

parvathi:you came aa,I thought you were busy in eating sweets

Sekar:you hide the sweets na,how i can find it?(said with a puppy face)

Parvathi:What happens if the sugar level is increased.

(sekar turns his face other side,all three are giggling)

Rajendran:where is groom,bride's family is going to arrive

Other person:i'm here

(All were turned to see,the face is revealed it was none other than balasubramaniyam)

Rajendran: finally groom is arrived

Balasubramaniyam: anna...(felt shy)

Priya:dont feely shy brother

Balasubramaniyam:anni,you too joined him(said with a smile)

Parvathi:now all of them go  and get ready


(let me clear you,sekar is rajendran's and balasubramaniyam's father,sekar's childhood friend is prakash,he has two daughters,priya and preethi, prakash and sekar decided to daughters to get married to their sons,rajendran is married to priya and now the marriage preparations of balasubramaniyam is going to held,at that time shiva was not born and more thing now present Shiva's home is sekar's mansion)

(After the hour,bride family came,groom family welcomed them,all the guest were arriving,ravichandran family is also arrived (i.e)vikram family, Priya went to bride)

Priya:hey bride,feeling shy

(Her face was shown it was non other than preethi,priya's own sister,now you can understand that who is bride and groom,yes it was none other aditi's parents, preethi and balasubramaniyam, Now you can understand the realtions of all,now back to the story)

Preethi:akka,you are always teasing me

(Priya smiled,she took preethi to the mandap,where groom is sitting,priya made preethi sit with balasubramaniyam,all the rituals and the marriage is done,preethi were in tears all of them consoled her,later preethi went to balasubramaniyam room and they slept)

(Next day morning,all were tired,preethi woke up early and made a coffee for everyone,all wereappreciated for the coffee and the breakfast,two brother's went to office,two sister were in speaking with parvathi)

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